52 | Attractive

36 1 0


"Thanks for coming over, A," I beamed as I leaned in to kiss Addie's cheek. She came into the house, and I shut the door behind her. "I wasn't sure if I could handle another major holiday alone."

"Of course," Addie smiled back. "Just in time, too. It was my turn at mom's."

I laughed, shaking my head disapprovingly. "I still don't get why you dislike your mom so much."

"No, nuh-uh, not dislike," corrected Addie, wagging a defiant finger at me, "hate."

Unsure whether I should laugh at that or not, I opted to take a seat on the living room couch instead, and Addie followed suit, plopping down next to me. "Girl, let's drop it," she said, stretching. "I don't wanna ruin the Christmas vibes."

"What Christmas vibes?" I chuckled, leaning back into the couch cushions. "In case you hadn't noticed, Christmas is over, A."

Addie groaned histrionically. "Oh, gosh, I hated Christmas at mom's," she said. "No dad, no Archer—it plain sucked."

"I thought we weren't talking about your mom anymore?" 

"We're not!" she giggled. "Y'know, M, I'm not here for you; I'm here so that I don't have to ring in the new year with my mother."

"Okay, I'm officially bringing up a new topic," I said, shaking my head. "How are we celebrating New Year's?"

"Hm, I'm thinking... Netflix on this couch," Addie grinned, her bright eyes looking as if they were begging for my approval on her plan.

I mirrored my best friend's wide grin. "I'd like nothing better."

Ecstatic, Addie gave me two thumbs up and flashed me a goofy smile. "Anyway, New Year's is overrated. I don't want no fireworks, no party, no stroke-of-midnight kiss—I want peace, y'all."

Trying my best to hold in my laughter, I kicked Addie's slim legs that draped lazily over the couch, earning a sharp yelp from the girl.

"You'd be quite the diplomat, A," I remarked cheekily. "Can't say I agree, though," I added. "I... I kinda wanna see fireworks."

"I'll buy you poppers," she said flatly.

"Addie, that's not the point! Ah, you don't get it—"

Addie eyed me weirdly. "If this is about Archer—"

"No! I swear it's not," I said hastily, my face flushed. "I—er—forgot to mention, by the way..." I trailed off, playing with my hair nervously. I lowered my voice, a part of me hoping that Addie wouldn't hear what the other part of me felt obligated to say. "Archer kissed me."

Unfortunately, though, Addie heard me loud and clear. Her eyes sprung wide like saucers, and she clasped her hand over her agape mouth.



"What—what was it like?"

"Honestly?" I said, earning an enthusiastic nod from Addie. "It was kinda underwhelming."

Addie couldn't hide how surprised she was to hear me say that. "How so?"

"I don't know—it's just—I've built it up in my head for so long, and I always thought it'd feel amazing, spectacular, phenomenal—because, y'know, I'd be sucking face with someone I've been stuck in a limerence with."

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