71 | She's Gone

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They all piled into Chase's car, and after about thirty minutes of being cramped in the vehicle with Archer, Killian, and Eric, Chase finally stopped the car. We all got out — only to find ourselves standing on a hill with a picturesque view of the bustling city down below.

Cars were busily driving down the side of the road, pedestrians running as much errands as they could before the sun sets and calls it a day.

We all shot Chase perplexed looks, and he exhaled, knowing that we were all silently asking for an explanation.

"It was a few months back," he began. "I was on a call with Trev, and he sounded a bit off. I had heard yelling in the background, and when he excused himself, saying he had somewhere to be, I was more than a little worried."

"I don't see what the big deal is," Killian remarked with furrowed eyebrows. "Your boy was probably just upset or something. Everyone gets upset," he added with a casual shrug.

"No," said Chase. "It was — different. I couldn't explain it to you even if I wanted to. It's just — if you've known Trevor for as long as I have, you know when something is up." He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "Anyway, like I said, I hacked his phone and saw that he was going to some remote area, and obviously, that only freaked me out more because for all I know, he was heading there to kill himself. So — so I hopped in my car and followed him... I climbed the hill — yes, this very hill — and what I saw wasn't what I was expecting at all —"

"Deer sex?"

"What?" I said sharply, shooting Killian a weird look. Everyone was looking at him with blank stares, and if this was a movie, crickets would be chirping behind him.

"Kill, stop it," Eric said as he placed a hand on Killian's shoulder. "Humor's not going to make us feel better — not this time."

Killian huffed. "Fine."

"As I was saying," Chase went on, visibly a little annoyed at the repeated interruptions, "to my surprise, I actually saw Morgan and Trev there, seated on the hood of his Jeep. I knew they had been talking and somehow became close through their tutoring sessions, but I didn't know they were midnight-conversations-by-a-scenic-view close. 

"They were chatting the night away, so I kind of figured everything was fine and perhaps I had overreacted, so — there I was, about to leave before I could ruin their moment, when I accidentally tripped on this huge root and fell into a pile of leaves and dung."

"Dude," Archer reacted with a frown.

"Don't judge me, okay? It was a dark night!" exclaimed Chase defiantly. "Needless to say, they heard me, and I think they thought I was a ghost or something because I've never seen two people flee a scene so fast."

"So — so then what was the point of that story?" asked Eric in a soft voice.

"I just — I figured that this must be a special place to Trev and — well, Morgan loved him a lot, and he must've, too, to bring her to this secret place he frequented." Frustrated, Chase ran a hand through his dirty-blonde hair and sighed. "I put two and two together and thought that this is where he goes to think, you know? So — I thought maybe — Morgan would've came here to take a breather or something."

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