18 | Sudden Surge of Courage

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As I walked down the halls of school, I scanned the crowd, attempting to find a certain someone.

Ultimately failing, I sighed and stopped at my locker, opting instead to get my books for the next subject out. After I punched in the code to the padlock, I took out my books and shut my locker once again. That's when I spotted him. Trevor.

"Perfect," I grinned to no one in particular as I began to walk towards him. However, I immediately halted in my tracks when I noticed Archer and Hanna standing there by his side.

"Ugh, this is for Addie," I reminded myself, proceeding to warily approach the small group. Bracing myself for the worst, I smiled awkwardly. "H-hey, guys."

I was met with Hanna's cold stare, Trevor's curious face, and, for some reason unknown to me, Archer's shy eyes.

"You need anything, baby girl?" asked Trevor with his signature smirk.

Ignoring the nickname he decided to use, I nodded. "Yes, I need to speak with you," I stated firmly.

Hanna suddenly placed her hand on Trevor's arm and looked at me with a sly glint in her eye. "Trevor's busy," she sang out contemptuously.

"But I'll always have time for you, Morg," he teased in response, earning an eye roll from Hanna.

I was too busy trying to look tough and unbothered in front of Hanna and at the same time, showing Trevor that I could take Hanna's sneaky remarks that I didn't notice the way Archer looked at me as I interacted with his best friend... and the way Hanna saw what I didn't see.

I pulled Trevor aside, away from the repulsive couple.

He cocked his head to the side. "So," he began with downcast eyes, "what's up?"

"I need a favor."

I must've been spending too much time with him because at this point, I knew him all too well in the sense that I saw it coming: that infamous smirk of his. "Well, I need certain things from you, too, kitten. For starters—"

"Hey, I'm already tutoring you for free," I pointed out, my lips upturned into a proud smirk of my own.

"Fair point," he responded before letting out a long sigh. He rubbed the back of his head in distress. "So, what is it that you need?"


"I looove when he teaches so passionately," I giggled as I stared at Mr. Donavan endearingly. Dropping my head into my hands, I could practically feel the wide smile outstretched across my face.

I couldn't explain it if you asked, but Mr. Donavan's my happy pill more than anything.

"Oh, my gosh, he's soooo dreamy," mocked Killian in a forced, girly voice that I think was supposedly me.

Once again, we were in a lecture taught by the one and only Mr. Donavan, but this time the three of us opted to sit in the back row so that our banter wouldn't disrupt the class like last time.

I spun around in my seat and gave Killian a look. "Shut up." 

"Man, you are so crushing on him!" Eric giggled, poking my arm playfully.

"So what if I am?" I reacted as I covered my red cheeks with both hands. I added in a softer voice, "At least now I can get my mind off Archer..."

Killian shot up from his seat, his eyes going wide in shock. "Archer? Archer Hastings?"

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