19 | All I Need

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"Trevor!" I called out as he passed me in the hallway. He skidded to a halt, stood there for a moment, and then faced me. I flashed him a sheepish smile and asked, "Are you doing anything right now?"

"Um, you, hopefully," he smirked, approaching me with his hands in his jean pockets, a wild look in his murky green eyes.

Ignoring the blush on my face, I shot back, "What, is that supposed to pull at my heartstrings or something?"

Trevor shrugged nonchalantly, wearing a lazy smile on his face. "It's intended to."

I chuckled before shaking my head. "I'm serious, Trevor."

"Well, I'm supposed to be heading home right about now," he replied. Smiling playfully, he raised his eyebrows suggestively and added, "Care to join me?"

"Oh, bugger off," I groaned at his flirtatiousness, giving him a hefty shove.

"Alright, fine," he laughed. "What do you need?"

I looked at him with pleading eyes and subtly pursed my lips. "Wait for Addie and Chase with me, will you?"

He groaned, pushing my face back with his big hand. "Ugh, okay." He added with a mischievous grin, "Anything for my baby girl."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Sure." 


"Ugh, what's taking them so long?" I complained, fanning myself with my math workbook. Leaning on the lockers behind me, I threw my head back in frustration. "Why's it so freaking hot? Literally everyone's gone home."

"Well, it makes sense," shrugged Trevor, crossing his arms across his chest. A cheesy smile tugged the corners of his lips upwards. "I mean, the hottest guy in school—i.e., me—is still here, so yeah, it's hella hot."

Witnessing his trademark narcissism once again, I shot him a blank stare. "Shut up, Parks," I responded indifferently. "Collin is way hotter than you'll ever be."

His smile faltered. "Collin?"

Flustered, my eyes immediately widened as I realized what had carelessly slipped out of my mouth. In an attempt to save face, I said, "I-it's not what you think!"

"Collin... Collin..." he repeated, placing his fingers on his chin in a thinking position. "Where do I know that name from?" His green eyes suddenly lit up, and he snapped his fingers. "Collin Donavan! That new physics teacher!"

"Yeah," I answered softly, realizing there was no way out of this one.

"You... You have a thing for him...?" questioned Trevor as his wide, curious eyes bored holes into my skin.

"I— Um..." I muttered, looking away from his intense gaze. "I... I may fancy him."

At that, he cracked a faint smile and nodded. "Yeah, um, that's cool," he said without much conviction. "No judgement here."

Admitting it to someone out loud feels like I'm finally admitting it to myself, and to be honest, it was liberating, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I shook my head. "I-it's nothing, really."

At the same time, the admission threatened to overwhelm me. Not because I doubted it but because of the sheer, ridiculous improbability of the whole situation.

He gave me a knowing smile, but it felt rather forced. "Hey, you do you," he shrugged casually. "I just can't believe little innocent Mary is into her teacher."

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