21 | Her Knight in Shining Armor

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It was two in the morning when Morgan felt the sudden urge to use the bathroom.

She slowly came to, fluttering her eyes open to see the pitch black her room would become when the lights were switched off. As she rubbed her eyes a bit to get some drowsiness out of her system, she rolled off the bed and slipped her feet into her bunny slippers.

Her bedroom door slightly ajar, she peeked her artfully messy bedhead out the dark hallway, quickly noting that her parents were most likely asleep down the end of the hall.

She was careful not to make the floorboards creek at her weight as she stealthily walked into the bathroom. She felt like a child again, reminiscing the days she would stay up past her bedtime against her parents' word and take secret trips to the bathroom because she was never any good at holding pee in.

Having a tiny bladder did come with its fair share of downsides. 

Just as she flicked the bathroom light on, her eyes met that of a tiny, brown creature on the tiled floor, and her heart stopped completely. An involuntary scream slipped past her lips.

The scream was loud, too, that she was sure of, but she clasped her hand over her mouth just in time. Somehow, her parents hadn't woken up at that, which alarmed her just a bit because what if there was a murderer in the house, and she was being stabbed to death at the moment?

Her second instinct was to run away from the cockroach, and that was just what she did.

She dashed back down the hall and into her bedroom, accidentally slamming the door shut.

Back pressed against the wooden surface, she brought her cellphone out and opened the text messaging app in a frenzy.


It was about ten minutes past two in the morning when Trevor's phone vibrated against the wooden surface of his bedside table.

Being the light sleeper that he was, the boy was startled awake by the vibration. He was dreaming of the girl of his dreams—quite literally—so naturally, he was more than a little frustrated at having his dream cut short. Still a bit drowsy, he reached across the bed to retrieve his phone, and he saw that he had received a text message.

Who could possibly be texting me at this ungodly hour? he thought to himself, irate.

But the moment his eyes scanned the screen and saw who had left him that text, he instantly softened up.

Morgan Darhk
Fuck fuck fuck

Trevor Parks
what's wrong, kitten?

Yes, he was more than a little confused as to why Morgan would text him, of all people, but he wasn't about to question it. Aside from their mini tutoring sessions, they didn't text much.

Morgan Darhk
It's fucking staring at me, Parks

Morgan Darhk
Bitch, fucking call animal control

Trevor Parks
woah woah slow down what's up

Morgan Darhk
There's a cockroach in the bathroom, and I need to pee really, REALLY badly.

Upon reading Morgan's last text, Trevor couldn't help but laugh a bit. It was hella funny, the predicament the girl had found herself in.


Still panicked, Morgan stared at the brightly lit screen that admittedly burned her eyes.

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