13 | Blushing Mess

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Morgan Darhk
Thank you.

Trevor Parks
anytime, baby doll. i'm your modern day knight in shining armor

A light chuckle unknowingly left my lips as I re-read Trevor's text for the fifth time. For some reason, I couldn't find it in me to shut off my phone and head to my next class.

My eyes shifted from his text to the time on the upper right corner. 10:51 AM.

"Shit," I cussed to myself, "class is about to start."

"M, what're you doing?"

Addie's loud voice pulled my head out of the clouds. Shutting off my phone and shoving it into my pocket, I stopped leaning against my locker and smiled innocently at Addie.

"Sorry, A," I apologized sweetly. "I couldn't find my books."

"Save it. I saw you on your phone just a minute ago," Addie scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Unfazed, I chuckled nervously. "Uh, yeah. To look at the time on my phone." Which wasn't entirely wrong either.

Addie furrowed her eyebrows all of a sudden and asked, "Didn't you say that you're meeting your new physics teacher today?"

My ears immediately perked up upon hearing Addie bring up my new teacher. "Yeah! Mr. Upton finally quit last week, so now we get a new physics teacher." I added with a deep sigh, "Gosh, A, you have no idea how lucky you were that you didn't get Mr. Upton's class."

Addie giggled. "Yeah, I think I do. You ranted so much about him that I felt like I was there, too, going through all his BS alongside you." She suddenly stopped laughing and faced me with a serious face. "You'll be meeting the new teacher today, right? Won't being late lead to a bad first impression?"

My eyes widened at that, realizing I had totally spaced about the nine minutes I had left till my next class starts. "Oh, shit, I forgot!"

Addie glanced at her wristwatch, and now it was her turn to flash the seemingly innocent smile. "Three minutes before the bell rings, M. Only three minutes before you can kiss that good first impression goodbye."

"You know, I probably call you 'A' all the time 'cause you're such an ass," I remarked, sticking my tongue out. I was about to make a run for it, clutching onto the books in my arms tighter, when I quickly turned back to the girl with knitted eyebrows. 

"You're okay, right? About, you know, the whole thing with Chase—?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Now go before you're late—again!" replied Addie dismissively, pushing me in the opposite direction.

Still a little worried, especially after she refused to open up about it the day she told me they had broken up, I begrudgingly turned on my heel and dashed down the hallway. My physics classroom was all the way across campus in the other building, so I ran as fast as my skinny legs could take me.

Damn that Trevor. It's all his fault.


Panting like crazy, I had finally reached my classroom—with no time to spare—so I slammed the classroom door open, only to be met with the eyes of my new teacher and all those of my classmates.

Eyeing my new physics teacher up and down, I felt my cheeks flush as I realized I came unprepared: I didn't prepare for what it'd be like to have a crazily handsome teacher.

His ink-black blazer accented his narrow waist and broad shoulders, and his baby blue eyes seemed a bit clouded in thought—much like how windows get when it's cold out. He brushed his dirty blonde locks back and coughed slightly. 

Being the first to break the tension, his surprisingly cute chuckle filled the tense room. "Right on time, Miss..."

"Darhk," I answered, quickly catching my breath and regaining my composure. "M-Morgan Darhk, s-sir."

He nodded. "Yes, well, you may take your seat," he said before turning his back on me.

Grateful for his decision not to scold me, I scurried over to take the first empty seat I spotted.

Unaware of my own actions, I absentmindedly leaned towards the student next to me and whispered carelessly, "Is it just me or is he..."

"Hot as fuck?" my seatmate replied.

Caught off guard by his scandalous response, my head darted to his direction. 

"S-sorry?" I stammered.

The boy next to me smirked, pushing his messy brown hair back. "Oh, yeah," he said, biting his bottom lip and letting out a soft moan. "I'd do him."

I blinked rapidly, speechless. What the fuck was I supposed to say to that

That's when the boy seated behind him hit the back of his head—rather hardly, might I add.

"Kill, stop that. You're scaring the poor girl," scolded the boy, eliciting a glare from the other.

The boy then turned to me and offered a friendly smile. "I'm Eric, by the way," he said. "Don't let Killian bother you. He's just being the horny teenager that he is."

"And whose fault is that?" mocked the boy next to me—Killian, apparently—with a wide smirk on his face that caused Eric to hit him again.

"Ouch, E, that's ki—"

I quickly cut Killian off before he could finish his sentence. "I'm Morgan," I told Eric over his and Killian's little squabble.

"We heard," Killian smirked, referring to the scene earlier.

I felt my cheeks redden out of embarrassment. I faced Eric. "He's a little... outspoken, isn't he?" I inquired, earning a knowing nod from him.

"He's an acquired taste," giggled Eric.

I laughed at that before turning my attention back to the new teacher up front.

He cleared his throat, fixing his blazer once again. "As I was saying earlier," he said in a loud, dominant voice, "I'm Collin Donavan, but I shall be known to you as Mr. Donavan in class. From now on, I'll be taking Mr. Upton's place as your physics teacher. Let's make this an interesting year, shall we?"

There was something about the way he spoke that drew me in. His calm yet firm voice mixed with that subtle British accent... I could listen to him talk physics everyday—and now with him here and Mr. Upton gone, I may have to.

All of a sudden, he turned to me, his blue eyes boring holes into my skin, sending me into a frenzy. I was a blushing mess, and as he raked his fingers though his blonde locks, his face split into a mischievous smile that seemed to be directed at me; my heart skipped so many beats that I thought I was beginning to see a very bright light.

"Oh, and Miss Darhk? I do hope that you won't be late to my future classes."

Oh, an interesting year it shall be.

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