15 | Hot for Teacher

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"So, what were you saying awhile ago?" asked Addie as we walked into the cafeteria for lunch. "About mister...?"

"Donavan," I grinned, feeling my face perk up at how his name effortlessly slipped out of my lips. "Gosh, A! He's so handsome! And... I think he fancies me."

"What?!" Addie gasped, maybe because of the sheer improbability of the situation, but a girl can dream, can't she?

I urged Addie to lower her voice while we fell in line to purchase our lunches.

"I don't know, maybe," I shrugged as we began to make our way to our usual table. "I mean, he called me out in class today—twice."

Addie rolled her eyes. "Probably because you were late again."

"I was, but that's not the point," I huffed with a frown.

All of a sudden, I spotted Eric halfway across the cafeteria, seated in a table with Killian. Our eyes briefly met, and in response, he waved his arm in the air, beckoning me over. "Over here, Morgan!" he called, smiling brightly.

"Who the eff?" Addie reacted as she furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes to see who I was looking at.

"Come on," I replied, taking her arm and bringing her over to Eric's table.

We sped-walked through the cafeteria, narrowly avoiding incoming students with lunch trays and their posses. 

"Eric, this is Addison; Addie, this is Eric," I introduced as I took a seat across from Eric.

I was afraid it'd be awkward after our last encounter, what with the boys sucking face after physics, but it wasn't, so I was thankful for that. Apparently, I'm not a prude, and Eric and Killian have no shame.

I glanced in Addie's direction to get a look at her facial reaction. I cocked my head to the side. The usually upbeat and cheerful girl was suddenly timid.

She raised her hand up awkwardly. "H-hi," she said as she sat down next to me, her eyes never leaving Eric's.


"Um, hello?" groaned a voice next to Eric.

"Hi, Killian," I said reluctantly, to which he rolled his eyes. "A, this beacon of human charm is Killian," I added, my voice laced with sarcasm. 

Completely disregarding me, he turned to face Addie and extended his arm. "Killian," he said, suddenly sounding like a gentleman. "Pleasure."

"Addie," she replied with a smile as she shook his hand. "How come I've never seen you two around?"

"Oh, we're a year below you," answered Eric, causing Addie's ears to perk up. "We're juniors."

Addie smiled again and nodded in reply.

"So, Addie," began Killian with a suspicious smile on his face, "did Morgan tell you she's hot for teacher?"

I nearly spat out my food when Killian blurted that lie out. Well, it wasn't a lie, per se...

"Oh, my gosh, Killian!" snapped Eric. He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down at the table, as if to ponder 'why am I even friends with this guy'.

He shrugged innocently. "What? It's true. My momma didn't raise no liar."

Addie laughed, seeming to be the only one amused by Killian's antics. "So I've heard—" Addie smirked at Killian before nudging my side with her elbow "—but I didn't get an in-depth explanation."

"Okay, you know what? I don't have to sit here and take this," I scoffed, shaking my head. Facing Eric, I asked, "Care to ditch our friends with me?"

"With pleasure," the boy smiled as he shot Killian a dirty look.

"Oh, you are so not getting some tonight!" Killian yelled after Eric who just wore a wide smirk on his face.


"Hey, while we're alone," began Eric as we sped-walked away from the cafeteria, "were you serious? About crushing on Mr. D?"

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess?" I muttered, flustered, as I looked away from Eric's warm, brown eyes. Eric seemed like someone I could trust, someone who wouldn't tell a living soul the secrets of his friends, but the thing is, I wasn't sure how I felt about Mr. Donavan. I just knew he was hot.

"I see," he replied tersely, clearly holding something back.

I groaned, having half expected this. "Look, if you have something to say, just say it."

Taken aback by my directness, Eric swallowed nervously. "Um, I... I just hope you know what you're doing," he mumbled silently. "Crushing on teachers—well, they never turn out the way you want them to."

I waved him off. "Eric, don't worry—it's just a crush."

He nodded hesitantly. "I know, but—"

"But nothing, okay? End of conversation," I said sharply. 

Eric fell silent as we walked down the almost empty hallway. Most students were at the cafeteria having lunch right now.

"Look, I'm sorry, E," I sighed after a minute or two. "I just— Trust me, okay?"

He instantly nodded. "I do. If you say he's just a crush, then he's just a crush."

And he is.

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