07 | More to Him

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My shift had just ended, and as I took off my apron, I noticed how late it had gotten, judging by the darkness that was awaiting me outside the warmth and safety of The Brew's glass walls. I glanced at my watch to check the time. Quarter to eleven.

Overtime sucks, but you'd be surprised how fast time pasts when the only customers at this time of night are drunkards trying to sober up and other people on their way home from working late, opting first to stop for some caffeine.

Hanging my apron on the rack behind the counter, I grabbed my things and prepared to lock up—until I heard the tinkle of a bell and the opening and shutting of a door.

"Good. You're still here," Trevor said before walking up to me.

"Trevor? What are you doing here?" I questioned, genuinely surprised. "Where's Archer and Chase?" Okay, don't judge me; I had to ask.

"Chase has a thing with Addie, and Archer went home," he answered.

"You didn't answer my question," I replied, bag in hand now. If I didn't have some subconscious need to feel accepted by the popular people, I probably would've walked past the boy and gone home—sadly, that's not the case. "Why are you here?"

"For that coffee you promised me," he replied with a mischievous grin, and as much as I tried to ignore it, I felt my heart race at his voice.

"Promised?" I echoed in a scoff. "I don't recall promising you anything."

"Suppose you did," he smiled. "You got the time?"

Is he this friendly with all the girls?

"I was actually just closing up," I muttered, and it was true, so I had no idea why my voice suddenly went soft. "Was about to leave before you showed up, actually."

He jutted out his bottom lip, widening his eyes just slightly to achieve that pitiful puppy dog look. "Aw, c'mon, Darhk," he pleaded, but somehow he managed to not sound desperate but instead, endearing. "Sit with me, please?"

A chill was sent down my back at the sudden change of persona, my heart beating so fast against my chest.

I didn't want to admit it, but he looked pretty damn cute. I will, however, not admit to the uncontrollable fluttering in my heart.

I responded with a shaky, unsure voice. "O-okay."

"Great!" he beamed with a bright, enthusiastic smile.

Why's he so keen on having coffee with me, anyways? None of this made sense.

"You want anything?" I offered before an awkward silence could settle between us.

"Coffee. Black," he replied briefly.

I made a mental note that he takes his coffee black, pure, but I immediately let go of the thought when I realized: Why should I remember how he takes his coffee? It's not like we'll hang out again after this. Could you call this a hangout?

"Okay." I grabbed the coffee pot and poured him a cup of coffee and one for me, too. Walking over to where Trevor had decided to sit, I took a seat across from him as I placed the coffee down on the table.

"Thank you," he grinned up at me.

I nodded my head slightly as silence now fell over the two of us, especially since we were the only two people left in the shop.

"Tell me about yourself," he suddenly said, making me almost choke on my coffee.

"W-what?" I went brick red.

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