50 | A Drunken State of Mind

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Borderline catatonic, I stared at Hanna, wide-eyed. Her news hit me like a bus and seemed to sober me up completely. Was she serious?

"Hanna—oh, my gosh—" I said, putting my hand over my mouth in shock, the color draining from my face. "Are you serious?"

She looked up at me with glistening eyes. "What joy would I get from lying to you about being pregnant?" she remarked bitterly.

"You're right. I'm sorry," I replied hastily. "I—I thought you looked pudgier—"

I quickly shut my mouth. Who says that to a pregnant woman? Way to go, Morgan.

The two of us were still sitting opposite each other in the hallway of the karaoke place, but the building suddenly didn't seem like a place people had fun in anymore—the world spun, and now I'm seeing blues and greys—then again, I consumed a lot of alcohol tonight...

Uncomfortable silence fell upon us. I'd say something to break the tension, but as established a few moments ago, I didn't really know what else to say.

What do you say to someone who used to be one of your best friends whose ex, someone you've been head over heels in love with, got pregnant?

"Did— Did you tell Archer?" I asked softly, not daring to meet her eyes.

"Why else would I be here?" she deadpanned, her blue eyes suddenly seeming so full of despair. "I told you, I'm not here for you."

I gradually nodded, feeling a stab of guilt. "Well, um..." I mentally debated with myself whether or not I should pry further. "Uh, h-how did he react?"

The moment my question left my lips, Hanna abruptly got up to her feet. She hugged herself (and the baby, I guess), her long sweater sleeves flowing down her hands like little sweater paws, and turned to leave.

"I gotta go," she said softly. "I'll see you around, Morgan."

Before anything else, though, she hesitated, whirled around, and took my hand into hers.

I thought she was going to say something else, maybe address or acknowledge my inquiry, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she closed it once again and instead smiled sadly.

With that, I watched her walk away, and I'm left here, sitting on the floor, flabbergasted by both the new information dropped on me like a bomb and the encounter itself.

Someone I actually know is pregnant and will have a little baby boy or girl in nine months.

That's crazy.

I opened my hand and saw the keychain sitting there.

It might just've been a keychain, but at this point, it represents so much more. It's a token from the past, a symbol of love and care—but most importantly, it's a connection to Archer.

And Hanna just let it go.

She let Archer go.

Slowly, I picked myself off the ground and walked back in our room—the mood shifted so quickly and abruptly that I forgot how much fun we'd been having until the Frozen soundtrack met my ears.

Chase had gotten up from his seat for the first time all night and, though still a little reservedly, was singing 'Let It Go' at the top of his lungs without a care in the world. Addie rushed to my side.

"What took you so long, M?" she asked. "Stomach problems? One too many drinks?"

Only half listening, I nodded. "Uh, y-yeah."

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