59 | Forget-me-nots

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It was a dark and gloomy day which frankly, matched the mood of everyone who had came to know Trevor Parks.

In the Darhk household, Addie caught Morgan looking at herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom.

"You look great, M."

Morgan hummed in acknowledgment as she continued to eye her reflection in the mirror. Clad in a black A-line dress, she ran her hands over the skirt to smooth out nonexistent rumples. She played with the halter top with nervous fingers and turned to her best friend, who was standing by her bedroom doorframe dressed in a short black cocktail dress, a wan smile adorned on her pretty face.

"Really?" Morgan asked uncertainly.

Addie must've spotted the subtle tremble in Morgan's mouth as she spoke, so the former strode over and pulled the latter in for a hug. When she let go, she gave her a soft smile.

"Yeah," Addie whispered. As if to lighten up the mood, she tilted her head to the side and added, "Hm, you do look like you've gained some weight, though."

Morgan winced. Regardless of whether Addie's comment rang true or not, Morgan's cheeks flared red in embarrassment, and she crossed her arms over her chest. "It's the dress, okay?" she retorted, throwing a lazy arm across her stomach.

Addie let out a soft laugh, easing some of the tension. She rubbed her hand up and down Morgan's forearm soothingly. "You need anything?" she asked with knitted brows.

Morgan shook her head, flattening her skirt out for the nth time. Not anything you can give me

"Nah, I'm all good—as good as I can be, anyway," she said instead.

A small, sympathetic smile lit up Addie's face which stung Morgan a little because really, the last thing she wanted right now was to be pitied.

"Ready to go?"

Hesitantly, Morgan forced a small smile and nodded. "Y-yeah. Let's go."

The two went downstairs and was met by Morgan's mom who flashed them a sad smile. She ushered them out the door, and the three hopped into the family car, off to the place Morgan's been dreading to go to these past few weeks.


Mrs. Darhk stopped the car, and she whirled her head around to get a good look at the two seated in the back.

"I'll pick you kids up later?" she asked.

Morgan shook her head. "No, it's alright, mom," she answered softly. "I'll walk; Addie'll walk."

Mrs. Darhk furrowed her eyebrows, concern etched all over her face. "You sure?"

Addie shot Morgan a look at once, clearly not okay with the latter answering for her. Obviously, she was against the idea of walking home, but she was quick to back her best friend up.

"Yeah, we're very athletic people, Mrs. Darhk," Addie grinned drily, lying through her teeth.

Despite being skeptical of the two, Mrs. Darhk nodded, and Addie and Morgan got out of the car.

"Stay strong, honey," Mrs. Darhk said lightly to her only daughter.

"See you later, mom. Love you," she replied with a small smile before shutting the car door.

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