55 | Untouched

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The following days went by in a blur. I haven't seen Addie since New Year's, and I'm not in any hurry to see her, either. I guess, for that matter, I haven't seen Trevor since that day, too. Without warning, I felt my cheeks flare red at the thought of the boy and how strangely affectionate he was when we rang in the new year together.

He was the last person I expected to have celebrated with me, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.

As for Archer, Chase, and even Hanna, the karaoke night was the last time I saw any of them, and it's been even longer since I've seen Eric and Killian; I guess we're not the kind of friends who see each other outside of school.

I'll see all of them soon enough, though.

It was early in the morning when my alarm rang through my ears.

Slightly annoyed, I rolled over in bed, peeking an eye open to check the time on the clock. 5:17, it read.

Forcing myself to get up, I stretched my arms as the realization dawned upon me: This is the first school day of the year. 2021, wow.

Glancing out the window, I saw that it was still dark out. I was in the middle of cussing myself out when I remembered that I purposely set my alarm an hour early, just so I'd have time to mull over outfit choices, whether to wear my hair up or down—typical teen stuff to fuss about, you know. I rushed out of bed to start preparing.

The game plan was to look fabulous, reinvent myself, even, if all goes well.

Stripping off my pajamas, I quickly hopped into the shower. The idea of stepping back onto school grounds somehow excited me for once, a stark contrast to the pure dread I felt not too long ago, not wanting to face the music and deal with the unwanted attention.

I turned on the shower, and hot water spewed out from the shower head at once. Stepping in, I let out a long, satisfied breath as the warm water hit my back.

A few days ago, I thought further, I was petrified to be going back to school because I didn't know what my peers would think of me, but after giving it some more thought, I realized that I had absolutely no fault in this.

I didn't make Archer have unprotected sex with Hanna.

I didn't make Archer leave Hanna after she told him she's pregnant.

As I squirted out some strawberry-scented shampoo into my hand, a new side of the argument showed itself before me, and I lathered my wet hair, massaging my scalp with my slender fingers.

I am, however, guilty of cuddling with my teacher—and unintentionally playing with Trevor's feelings—all while having this complicated thing with Archer—

I let out a shaky sigh before rinsing off the shampoo. I quickly finished showering, and when I shut off the shower head, I shut off my train of thought as well.

No use delaying the inevitable.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in my white, fluffy towel, making my way out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to get dressed.

My wet hair began to drip all over the wooden floor, which annoyed me to no end. It's getting too long, and it's beginning to feel itchy and uncomfortable.

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