02 | Making Progress

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As I laid on my bed that night, my heart thumped against my chest when I stared off into my phone screen which was opened to Archer's Facebook profile picture—a stunning sight, if you ask me.

He looked directly into the camera, his eyes forming crescents from the wide smile he had on his face. His dimple was very cutely shown as his right hand pushed back his hazel hair. I can definitely see why he chose that as his profile picture, as the picture that would sum up his online presence. That picture does him justice.

Should I?

With a sigh, I immediately clicked the button before I could change my mind again. I've been back and forth, my heart telling me to go for it, to take a risk and gamble on love, while my brain, being the more logical side of me, urged me to not seem like an even bigger, more desperate fool than I already seem.

Feeling defeated by nothing in particular, I dropped my phone to the side, only now realizing: Fuck. I just sent Archer a friend request on Facebook.

It didn't take long for the idea and obsessive thoughts to sink in and completely freak me out. Cue the panic attack. My back instantly shot up, my eyes widening. Holy shit, what did I just do?!

There's a very big chance I just ruined whatever tiny-ass thing I had going on with him. I just jeopardized my whole love life—not that there was much to begin with—and all for what? The smallest chance that he'd accept my friend request based on our mutual friends? That on the off chance this little thing I did could lead to something more, something profound?

Well, I'm an idiot for thinking so. 

In one swift motion, I begrudgingly picked my phone up once more and was about to cancel the request when the device in my hand made a ding sound.

Archer Hastings accepted your friend request.

Upon reading that notification, it took all of me not to scream on top of my lungs and wake the whole house—possibly the whole neighborhood. 

I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face.


"A!" I called out, waving to her as I leaned against the pale exterior of the school walls. She ran up to me, and without hesitation, I beamed, "You'll never guess what I did last night!"

"What?" she chuckled, fixing her wavy, ash brown hair into a messy bun. She must've been running late this morning.

"I sent him a friend request," I grinned excitedly, "and he accepted it!"

She blinked twice, eyeing me up and down weirdly. "Is there more to that or—?"

"Oh, come on, Addie," I whined. "Be happy for me. I made a move!"

"A minuscule, microscopic move, at that," she responded snarkily.

I rolled my eyes. "Can't you just be happy for me?"

Sarcastically, she forced her eyes to grow big, mouth agape. "Good for you, M!" she squealed, her voice so high-pitched, dogs could hear it, and then she grabbed my hands, all with faux, girly enthusiasm.

"You don't mean that," I scoffed.

"What—! What do you want from me?" laughed Addie in return. "I just don't see why you're so keen on staying in this... this... this limerence you have with my brother."

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