25 | Mixed Signals

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"I can't believe it was a bust," I sighed as the feelings of regret and embarrassment sank into my soul and brought down my already-heavy heart. Glancing over at Collin to try and get a read, I sighed again as we walked down the streets of Brooklyn. "Sorry to waste your time. I-I really thought the exhibition would be better than that."

Collin, a warm smile plastered on his face despite everything, stopped in his tracks and exhaled. "Good weather we're having today, no?"

"Y-yeah," I replied, and I wondered if he was just trying to be nice to me and was secretly harboring feelings of distaste. What's going on in that unfathomable mind of his? I'm not a mind reader. 

"Care to stop for a bite?" He looked down at me, and as soon as my eyes met his steady gaze, all feelings of disappointment dissipated and was replaced by the amazing sensation of infatuation. My heart fluttered uncontrollably. 

"S-sure. I'm starving," I smiled shyly. "We could go to The Brew. I work there, so I get a discount on orders."

Collin chuckled. "Is that so?"

"Yeah," I answered. "The only thing is it's nowhere near Brooklyn."

He stared at me blankly before asking, "Then why bring it up?"

I smiled playfully, lifting my shoulders into a shrug. "I guess I was just informing you about this extremely interesting factoid about me," I joked.

Shaking his head, he grinned as he rolled his eyes. "Alright, well, then in that case, I know a place."


We stepped into this quaint little coffee shop that actually reminded me a lot of The Brew, and the aroma of coffee immediately took over my senses.

In hindsight, it's probably a good thing that we were spending the day in Brooklyn and far from my life. I wouldn't even know where to begin if I were to handle rumors that could come from this. Though, the fact that this... whatever this is... isn't really something that should be done... sends these exciting tingles up and down my spine. I guess that's why people are suckers for forbidden love.

"I'll have the usual," Collin told the barista with a wink. He turned to face me and asked, "Shall I order for you, Morgan?"

"Yeah, go for it," I grinned. "You come here often?"

"Yes, I grade your papers here," he chuckled before a small frown pulled the corners of his lips downwards. "Speaking of which..."

I gulped nervously. Oh no.

"You failed that last worksheet... along with the quiz before that," he said haughtily as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter.

My heart sank at the mere fact that I failed something I actually studied so hard for. That shit hurts more than a breakup, you know. 

Should I?

Impulsively following my heart and blocking out my better judgement, my confidence wavered as I gently placed my hands on his clothed chest. "I'm so sorry, sir," I said softly, pursing my lips. "I... I can never focus in class..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes... Collin," I responded bravely, giddy with our close proximity. "You're... too distracting."

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