03 | The End of the World

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Shoving my bag into my locker, I noticed in my peripheral vision that Addie was chatting with Chase. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I shook my head. "Good for her," I smiled wanly, genuinely happy that Addie was getting somewhere with the boy she fancied—which was more than I could say for myself.

I was pulling my books out of the shelf in my locker when, all of a sudden, a voice spoke up from behind me, completely catching me off guard—so much so that I slammed my locker door shut loudly.

"Morgan! Got a minute?"

"Uh, sure—" I answered, spinning around. Now, if I wasn't already having an anxiety attack from the sudden social interaction, then seeing Trevor standing before me sure did the trick.

Is Trevor Parks actually speaking to me?

"Y-yes?" I stuttered, gripping on my books so hard that my knuckles were turning white. My face blanched, my heart hammering against my chest. 

Just the mere sight of the boy made my mouth go dry—not because I liked him or anything but because we weren't exactly of the same caliber here. This was one of the popular kids talking to me here, and I was afraid I'd say something stupid to ruin whatever image he thought I had.

Holy cow, I think popularity scares me.

"I wanted to talk," he answered casually, a stark contrast to the melting puddle I was at the moment. His green, green eyes felt like they were piercing through me, staring right into the murky depths of my soul.

Though I wanted to revel in the fact that Trevor Parks wants to speak with me, I also knew that I had to be careful, especially since I refuse to be one of his numbers. 

You must think I'm way in over my head, assuming he's here to court me, huh?

Whatever the case, I'm going to play it safe. I can't take anymore heartbreak—Archer gives me more than enough as it is, and we're not even together.

Shooting him a puzzled look, I pointed to myself in disbelief. "You—er—know me?" I asked, my voice cracking towards the end.

Way to play it cool, Morgan.

He cocked his head to the side and frowned. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

He wasn't even trying, but I was definitely intimidated by his much-taller stature—his shadow towered over me, and I couldn't help but feel that I was stuck in this dark bubble, drained of sunlight by the shadow his height casted. 

"I don't know," I replied, averting my gaze down to my Timberland boots. "No one really knows me, I guess."

Oh, my gosh, what is wrong with me? Who talks like that?

He suddenly laughed aloud.

Is he laughing at me? What kind of sick—

"What? What's so funny?" I snapped fiercely.

"You," he chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, and I'm funny how?"

"Nothing. It's just that—" he smiled cheekily "—I've seen you with Addie. You make her laugh a lot. You're not shy at all with her, but with other people, you're—"

"Tense? Painfully awkward? Makes you wish for a hole to open up and swallow you whole?" I filled in, earning a nod from the boy. That's right—I'm aware of my flaws.

What he didn't know is that—as embarrassing as it is—boys, particularly those who're cooler than me (must be a long list), make me nervous; I've theorized long ago that maybe I'm not cut out for this whole flirting ordeal. 

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