41 | Not Just Any Boy

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"Honey, we're leaving," my mom called out from downstairs.

Hearing this, I slowly glanced out my bedroom window and saw the night sky up above. Stars have yet to emerge, but they will soon. I quickly rushed out of my bedroom and down the stairs to say goodbye.

As I stood at the bottom of the staircase, I eyed my parents standing by the doorway with their bags. "Enjoy your cruise," I smiled at them.

"Thanks, Morgan," my dad smiled back. "We'll see you next year."

I groaned at the reminder that I'll be spending New Year's alone. "Do you guys really have to ring in the New Year on that blasted boat? I mean, first Shanghai, now this?"

"It's a ship," mom corrected.

Shaking my head, I walked towards them and gave them a hug. "Fine. What about Christmas, then?"

"Honey, of course we'd still be on the ship," she laughed. "Oh, and you have to do winter cleaning, okay? The garage is starting to look like a mess again, even after spring cleaning. Says a lot about the type of people we are." Mom shook her head and giggled at her own joke. 

Ignoring her joke—was that even considered a joke?—I simply sighed. "Yeah, I know you won't be here for Christmas," I deadpanned. "It was worth a shot, though."

My mom's eyes softened as she put a comforting arm around my shoulders. "You sure you'll be okay spending Christmas and New Year's alone?"

At my mom's query, I immediately snapped out of my selfish mindset and put on a brave face for them. "Yeah, of course," I answered. "I have friends. I'll manage."

Dad grinned, "Addison and Hanna?"

"Um, just Addie," I replied.

"What? Did something happen between you and Hanna?" mom questioned, worried.

"We had a falling-out about last month maybe," I said. "It's fine, honestly."

At my reply, a perplexed expression came over her features, and she curiously cocked her head to the right. "Last month? But... she came over a few weeks ago," mom replied.

Confusion took over me as I began to comprehend what my mom had said. Hanna came over?

I shook my head. "No way."

In response, mom nodded. "Yeah, she did. You were at school then. She said she left her jacket in your room or something like that."

Well, that's obviously not true.

Then and there, I decided not to worry my mother any further.

"Oh yeah," I said, shaking my head slightly as if I've suddenly remembered. "I... totally forgot about that. She did leave her jacket. I told her she could come by and get it herself."

Mom's shoulders visibly relaxed, and relieved, she laughed, "Oh, I see. Well, we better get going. We love you, Morgan. Take care of yourself while we're gone, okay?"

I smiled back. "Likewise."


My things were all over the floor, my notebooks and books scattered, my clothes thrown out of the cabinets.

I brought out the boxes from underneath the bed and checked there.

"What could Hanna have possibly done?!" I panicked to myself, frustrated. "She couldn't have taken something, could she?"

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