10 | On a Scale From One to Ten

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I didn't think that through. Wait, scratch that—I wasn't thinking at all.

My brain actually thought to tell my mouth to tell Trevor I like him? Have I developed a brain tumor and gone ill all of a sudden? I like Archer, not Trevor. Both have six letters, maybe that's why I confused the names, the way Ross from Friends confused Emily for Rachel. 

I understand him more now.

I mean, yes, I like Trevor, in the way that I think he's cool and stuff. I enjoy our little tutoring sessions and fancied his cringe-worthy—sometimes even funny—jokes and pickup lines, but does that mean I like him? What constitutes a crush?

I shook my head at the thought.

No, this is probably just me overcompensating for the lack of romantic partners I've had in my past. I'm just latching on to the nearest guy, labeling him as a stupid crush, because I'm that desperate to be loved... right?

I don't like him; I just want to be liked for a change, even though that's still not the case here.

Annoyed and admittedly a little embarrassed, a sigh slipped past my lips as my thoughts were cut short by a sharp knock against the door.

"What now?" I groaned to myself, sitting up from the carpeted floor of my bedroom. Yes, I was low-key thankful to be interrupted, but I wasn't on the brink of my thoughts becoming obsessive again or anything.

Then again, if I could recognize when thoughts become obsessive, I'd be a whole lot saner.

"Bitch, it's Addie!" the enthusiastic girl yelled in her usual high-pitched voice.

"Are you sure? The Addison I know would never knock!" I shouted back as I reluctantly got up from the comfort of my position to open the door.

Before I could, though, Addie had already swung my door open, causing me to jump at nearly being impaled on the wooden surface. 

"Fuck off," she chuckled before flopping down on my bed, face first. 

With one hand on my nose—still paranoid that the door would suddenly fly open and break my nose—I shut the door. "Why are you here, A?" I questioned.

"Look, I'm sorry about this morning, but I have news," she muffled out. "Two, actually. Which would you like to hear first, the good news or the bad?"

"The good."

Her back immediately shot up, a huge smile appearing across her face. "Chase and I are officially dating!" she exclaimed, clapping happily.

"Really?! Oh, my gosh, that's great, A!" I beamed, going over to her for a quick hug. As I pulled away, I flashed her a smile before adding, "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks!" she giggled, and when our excitement died down a bit, a tight-lipped smile replaced her previous happy grin. "Now, don't get too happy yet. Are you ready to hear the bad news?"

"How bad is it?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side. "On a scale from one to ten, ranging from you losing your favorite pair of stilettos to Hanna finding out I like Archer?"

Addie bit her lip nervously. "Um, around 11?"

My jaw dropped open, and my eyes went comically huge. Surely she must be overselling this. "What could be worse than Hanna finding out?" I asked, skeptic. This was probably just Addie being overly dramatic again.

"Er—me telling Hanna you like Archer?"

Blood running cold, I stared at her blankly, waiting for her to tell me that she was kidding, that this was all a prank of poor taste... but that moment never came.

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