28 | Nothing Else

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The weekend had passed, and once again, Monday's come too soon. 

I was seated in class, all thoughts of Oli far from my mind as I eyed my boyfriend with something on my mind.

"I'm just so tired of English literature," I said demurely, my hand on Archer's thigh. Slowly, I slid my hand further up, caressing the denim of his jeans.

The come-hither look in my eyes said it all, but he, in turn, looked tense and refused to meet my suggestive gaze.

"What is it, Archie?" I asked softly as I tilted my head slightly to the right. "You don't want me anymore?"

In response, Archer abandoned his spaced-out expression for a second and gently grabbed ahold of my wrist to put it back on my lap.

"Han, you know it's not like that, but I actually want to pass this class," he said, his expression suddenly unreadable. "So please? If you could just keep it in your pants for a sec?"

Obviously, that hurt my pride a little. I crossed my arms over my chest and slumped down my seat. "Fine," I replied, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

There was no doubt about it—he's distant. I was a step away from wallowing in self-pity when the thought crossed my mind, and my eyes widened ever so slightly. 

Perhaps he knows about my kiss with Oliver?

No, that couldn't be it. He's been distant since before the kiss.

I tried to pay attention to the teacher up front, but realizing I wouldn't be able to focus until I figured out what was going on with my boyfriend, I gave up with a sigh. I discreetly stole a glance at Archer who sat next to me.

It may have been the paranoia speaking, but when I followed his gaze, I could've sworn I saw Archer looking fondly at Morgan, who was in the front row, when he claimed to be listening attentively to the lecture.

Okay, so it's not a me problem; it's a he problem... with that little bitch Morgan in between.

"Can't say that doesn't hurt," I muttered under my breath as I blew a stray blonde hair out of my eyes.

"Hm?" Archer responded, still looking elsewhere.

"Nothing," I smiled sweetly.

Just then, the bell rang, and all the students got up and started to pack away their things.

I slung my handbag over my shoulder and faked a grin. "I'll see you later, Arch," I said, planting a light kiss on his cheek.

Indifferent, Archer hummed in response.

I have to do something about this, about Morgan, and I know the perfect person to help me with the job.


"Trevor!" I called out the moment I spotted him in the hallway. He was rushing to his next class. "A moment?"

He stopped in his tracks, eyeing me suspiciously. "What do you want, Hanna?" he interrogated as I approached him.

I grinned innocently. "Your help."

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