35 | The Perfect Remedy

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As Killian and I stumbled out of class, pitiful smiles plastered across our faces, I was suddenly reminded of one of those movies where two drunk friends suffer together.

"Man, you're so lucky," laughed Killian, a subtle smirk hiding behind his features. "You'll automatically get a good grade in physics."

I ceased laughing and shot Killian a look. "What are you saying?"

"Well, you gave him your 'services', so it's only right that he... find some way to repay you," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Mouth agape, I gasped at what he was implying. "Killian!" I shrieked, horrified by the suggestion. "That's inappropriate!"

"Is that what you said to him last night?" He then burst out laughing at his own joke.

"You're a pig," I deadpanned as I sped up my pace.

He laughed, jogging to my side. "Darhk, don't be such a prude," he commented with a wink.

"Killian, I swear I'm going to—"

My empty threat was cut short by the sight of Archer's gang walking in our direction.

The color drained from my face. "Oh, shit," I cussed, immediately hoping to avoid Trevor. I scanned the area for a place to hide, but since this is me we're talking about, there was nowhere to hide.

"Why so jumpy, Morg?" Killian asked teasingly, but there was a hint of concern laced in his voice.

Then, they walked past, and Trevor and I locked eyes.

In the split second our gazes met, he flashed me an awkward, tight-lipped smile. In turn, I tensed up and smiled nervously, nodding afterwards to acknowledge his presence.

...and it was over just like that. Archer, Chase, and Trevor were now walking away as were me and Killian.

"Do I want to know?" questioned Killian once we were out of earshot.

Frustrated, I ran a hand through my honey blonde hair and sighed. "You probably already do," I replied lowly.

His signature smirk found its way back onto his features, and amused, he grinned. "You little minx!"

"Oh, shut up," I groaned.

It was evident that Killian was about to probe further, but thankfully, I was saved by the bell when Addie suddenly showed up beside me.

"M, we gots to get going," she chimed in, swinging her arm around my shoulders. "Eric's waiting for me."

"I— Wait, what? Eric?"

Killian evidently tensed up at the mention of his ex-boyfriend's name. He nervously rubbed his elbows as he tried to bite his tongue—but to no avail. He eagerly asked Addie, "Um, how's Eric?"

Addie stared at him weirdly. "How would I know?" she answered. "I mean, if anything, wouldn't you know? Aren't you guys, like, best friends?"

He let out an awkward chuckle at Addie's oblivious comment. "Y-yeah. Never mind."

Suddenly feeling bad for the boy, my eyebrows knitted together, and I attempted to change the subject.

"What... What were you saying, A?"

"Eric's waiting for me," repeated Addie with a bright smile on her face.

Killian, with a pained expression, turned away and said with a soft but bitter smile, "Well, I guess I'll catch up with you guys later."

With that, he walked away in the opposite direction, leaving me with my sadly oblivious best friend.

"What was that all about?" questioned Addie with furrowed brows, confusion written all over her face.

Ignoring her question, I faced her and echoed, "Eric's waiting for you...?"

Her face immediately lit up as she nodded. "Yeah! Come on!"

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the main gate of our school, and as I stumbled behind her, I couldn't help but think that she still has this convoluted idea that she could end up with Eric—who's as gay as the day is long.


"Hey, E," I smiled softly as Addie's tight grip on my wrist finally loosened. I swiped my arm back to my side and shot her a little glare.

"What took you guys so long?" Eric chuckled charmingly.

I laughed to myself. I could see why Killian fell for him—the subtle sprinkling of freckles seeming so cute and innocent, the way his upturned lips would stay naturally bright and bubbly—and I guess for that matter, I could see why Addie fancied him.

"Oh, well, Morgan was busy gnawing Killian's ear off," laughed Addie as she pushed her hair over her shoulder and subtly touched Eric's arm.

Eric stopped laughing, and I knew it was because Addie mentioned Killian.

In a desperate attempt to change the conversation, I said, "Uh, so what's this meetup about, anyways? Are we going somewhere?"

Eric shot me a grateful glance, and I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Oh, it's nothing," replied Addie. "I just thought maybe we could all grab a bite to eat?"

"Sure, I'm down," beamed Eric. "I've been looking for an excuse to get out of the house."

A mental image of Eric moping around his house suddenly came to mind, and I felt bad for him all over again.

"Y-yeah," I tried to smile. "I'm so hungry I could eat a cow."

Somehow, I've got a bad feeling about this—Addie and Eric—but as we walked away from school on our way to The Brew, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

A break with friends is just what I needed—the perfect remedy to the failure that is my life.

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