04 | S.O.S.

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"What's the capital of Australia?" asked Hanna, facing me from my study desk.

"Well, contrary to popular belief," I answered as I rolled onto my back on my bed so that my head was hanging off the edge and my extremely overgrown bangs fell backwards, "it's not Sydney but Canberra."

She scribbled it down on her notebook and proceeded to ask another question. "And what do we think of the emu war?"

"Well, I think it's dumb," I chuckled, emphasizing the 'I'. "Am I done doing your homework yet?"

"Yep!" she grinned happily, slamming her notebook shut. She got up from the wooden chair and flopped down onto my bed next to me. "Whacha doin'?" she asked cutely, peering over my shoulder to look at my phone.

"N-nothing!" I immediately stuttered, turning my phone off. I wasn't even doing anything Archer related, but I've reached the point of paranoia that I literally can't be around Hanna without being tense and obvious.

Hanna sighed. "You know," she began, "Archer talked to me today."

I froze as a pan of jealousy overcame me. All of a sudden, my sending Archer a friend request meant nothing to me and no longer seemed like a major feat. Heck, I want to be talked to by the boy, too.

She took my silence as a reply and continued, "Well, not talk, per se. He sent me a message on Facebook."

"W-what did it say?" I finally asked, the curiosity overpowering the envy. I know I'd come to regret asking about this, but I had to know what I was up against.

She brought her phone out from her pocket and handed it to me.

I took one look, and my heart stung in an instant. I shouldn't have asked.

Archer Hastings
Hanna. Do u wanna hang out?

Hanna Abrams   
Sure! Tomorrow after school?

Archer Hastings

"Did I sound too eager?" Hanna giggled, a subtle blush spreading across her cheeks. "I don't want him to know that I like him yet."

"No, not at all," I said flatly, giving Hanna back her phone. I couldn't help myself; pretending to be happy for her was taking up all of my energy. "You better get going."

She tilted her head to the right and shot me a confused look. "Huh? Why?"

"I, uh... have a history exam tomorrow, and I can't focus if you're here," I fibbed.

"Oh... Okay then," she muttered as she got up from my bed and packed up her things on my desk. "See you tomorrow."


After she left my room, I was determined to communicate with Archer. Driven by jealousy, I grabbed my phone from my side and glanced at the draft message I was working on while Hanna was doing her homework.

Hi. You're Addie's brother, right? It's funny, you know. She keeps telling me we're meant for each other... Lolzor. |

Okay, so it's not entirely true, but I needed to stir up a conversation, and I couldn't exactly say, "Hi! You don't know me, but I know you very well! I stalk you all the time! Did I mention I dream about you, too? I'm your total fangirl!"

With a sigh, I shook my head and felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier. I didn't do anything particularly monumental today, but for some reason, I was still pretty drained.

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