24 | What Can I Say?

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Oliver and I were now walking side by side down the idle streets of Brooklyn, our upper arms awkwardly brushing up against each other from time to time.

"I still don't know why you came back, y'know," I said to him, trying not to sound pushy and uptight.

Oliver stroked his stubble in thought then pushed his short chestnut brown hair back. "Is that so?" he replied casually.

Frustrated, I stopped walking and pulled on his sleeve to get him to stop, too. I glared at him. "Enough with the games, Oli," I deadpanned. "What's going on with you? Why're you back?" Why're you suddenly back in my life...

He was clearly taken aback at how I was able to ask him, point-blank—the old me would've just passively pushed it to the back of my mind—but he regained his composure soon after and cleared his throat. "My year is up," was all he said.

Puzzled, I reacted, "Huh?"

"Remember? I promised my parents that I'd only study in Spain for a year," explained Oliver, the expression on his face seemingly wondering why I didn't know such an 'obvious' thing like that, "and I did just that."

"It's been two years, Oli," I said. "Where were you for that one other year?"

"I... I didn't come back to you," he answered, looking away shyly, which if you knew Oliver, even for a short while, you'd know was completely out of character. "I thought things would still be weird."

I crossed my arms over my chest and scoffed. "What, because I confessed to you the day you left for Spain?" I spat. "And you thought I'd still be pining over you a year later?"

"Well, yeah," Oliver responded, subtly lifting his shoulders up into a shrug. "I'm kinda hard to get over, you know," he added jokingly as he nudged me with his elbow in an attempt to get me to lighten up.

I shook my head, determined to stand my ground. "You haven't changed one bit. You still can't handle serious conversations," I remarked, tired of the boy's antics. Looking up at him, I added with a cocky brow raised, "Don't worry about me. I've got a boyfriend now."

"So I've heard," he laughed, and I had to admit, it kind of hurt how his reaction wasn't bigger than that. "I guess I was wrong. You're all grown up, Abrams."

I smiled triumphantly. "Thank you."

At that precise moment, Oliver crashed his lips onto mine, and all thoughts of my so-called 'boyfriend' left my mind, overpowered by the sensation I felt with Oliver's strong hands on my waist. He pulled me against his hard chest, and leaning into his touch, our lips moved in perfect harmony.

The whole thing felt too surreal—so much so that I couldn't find it in me to break the kiss.

When we finally pulled away, gasping for air, Oliver said to me as he untangled his arms from my waist, "So... you did miss me after all."

"I— Shut up," I responded, heart fluttering, as an evident tint of red spread across my face. Oliver kissed me.

There was no way I could've seen that coming. He literally just acknowledged the fact that I have a boyfriend, and seconds later, he was sticking his tongue down my throat.

...it's not that I'm complaining, though.

Suddenly, I found myself missing the warmth of his lips, the way his teeth playfully bit down on my lower lip. Cheeks flaming red, I couldn't possibly face the boy now, so I looked everywhere but his smug, handsome face, diverting my eyes from him altogether... and that's when someone rather familiar caught my eye—

"Is that... Morgan?" I asked, squinting my eyes to get a better view.

From behind me, Oliver placed his chin on my shoulder and narrowed his eyes. "She looks interesting," he remarked.

I immediately spun around to face him with wide eyes. "No! You can not be with her! I forbid it."

Oliver chuckled, and I couldn't help but sense a bit of obnoxiousness in his laugh. "Relax, it was just a comment. Personally, she looks too much like a good girl." He went on, "Besides, she's with a man."

Hearing Oliver's words, I turned around again, only to see Morgan with... Is that Mr. Donavan?

"If I'm not mistaken," I began, "that's our physics teacher."

"Oh, snap," snickered Oliver. "Good girl likes to play."

"Oli!" I gasped, hitting his arm. "Morgan's not like that... She wouldn't..."

"Sleep with her teacher?" Oliver cut me off. "Look, Han, I don't know the girl, but teenage girls are capable of all sorts of things. You'd be surprised."

"I know, but—"

"And look how you turned out," he interrupted me again with a smirk. "Got a boyfriend but lusting over me."

"Oh, fuck off, Oliver," I responded, glaring at the boy. "Hold on," I said before taking my phone out from my coat pocket.

"What're you doing?" inquired Oliver while I made sure both Morgan and Mr. Donavan were on the capture screen before I took the shot.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I remarked, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"I mean, what's the picture for?"

I put my phone back into my pocket after I saw that I had gotten the shot. Smiling innocently, I answered with a wink, "It's for a rainy day."

"Should I be worried?" questioned Oliver, raising his eyebrow with what seemed like genuine concern.

"Oh, yes," I laughed maniacally.

Oliver scoffed before he flicked my forehead, earning a sharp groan from me. "You're still the nutcase I knew two years ago. Is it weird that I think that's sort of a relief?"

Playfully smacking his ass, a bold grin emerged on my swollen—courtesy of Oliver—red lips. "What can I say, Oli? I'm only worse now."

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