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Justin Bieber :

We all stood in order, our hand to our forehead, as our Major walked in. "At ease!" he shouted, we all saluted him, bringing our hand down.

"I have good news for you boys! You get to return home, for two weeks! That doesn't fucking mean go home, and get all soft, and come back acting like of bunch of goddamn sissies, understood?" He shouts.

"Sir, yes sir!" We shout back in unison.

"Alright, pack up your shit, and head out!" He shouts, as we salute him again.

"Sir, yes sir!" We say again.

We do as we're told, and I grin. It's been almost a year since I've been back home.

I didn't usually take leaves, and return home. I traveled.

But, I wanted to go back, and check on my mama, and my little brother.

As I was packing, I looked over at Ryan, who was packing up as well.

He had been my best friend since freshman year of high-school. We got into a program together, senior year, that got us here today.

He notices me, and smiles.

"You ready to go home Bieber?" He asks, zipping up his bag.

"Damn sure am" I say, throwing my last pair of jeans in there. I zip my own bag.

He walks over to me, and we head out, together. "I'm just happy you're actually coming home this time, and not jetting off to Paris, or some shit" he slaps my back, chuckling.

I laugh with him.

"Me too man" I say, grinning.

• • •
• • •

The plane has just landed in North Carolina, and I grabbed my carry-on bag.

Ryan and I filed out of the plane, and headed into the airport. Our other best friend, Alfredo was picking us up.

Ryan and I sorted through tons, and tons of suitcases, and bags, trying to find our own luggage.

Airports were such hassles.

Since I traveled so much, I should be used to it, but I still get impatient sometimes.

After we find our luggage, we earn many smiles, and greets, as we try to find Alfredo, who should be holding up a sign.

People would say thank you, and God bless you. We were wearing our uniforms. Sincewe were in the army, it's just something courteous people would do.

Alfredo was holding up a sign, but it said 'my bitches' on it, making Ryan and I laugh.

We all greet each other, and exchange some small talk, before heading out to Fredo's truck.

"So what're we doing first?" Ryan asked, as we piled into the back of Fredo's truck.

"Watchu mean?" Fredo asked.

"I mean, we staying in tonight, going out, what're we doing, it's our first night back in forever, let's do something big" Ryan says.

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now