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Ariana Grande :

"I'm sure he's okay sweetie" my mom pats my shoulder.

"I hope so" I say softly, hugging my knees to my chest.

"Maybe it's really busy over there, and he hasn't had the time" she says.

"Yeah, maybe you're right" I sigh, biting my lower lip. "Maybe I'm being a little silly" I say.

"You're not being silly, it's called compassion, and care" she says.

"It's more than that" I say, smiling a bit.

"Oh? Is it?" She sits on the side of my bed, smirking a bit.

I blush.

"I think it is" I nod.

"You've fallen for him, haven't you?"

"I have" I sigh in satisfaction, nodding my head.

I smile at the thought of him.

"He's so.. amazing" I tell her.

She grins.

"I am so happy for you" she tells me,  rubbing my shoulder.

"I just wish. . he'd come home to me" I bite my lower lip nervously. "He was supposed to call three days ago, and I was supposed to pick him up today, but he never called, or even answered my last letter"

"I'm sure there's a explanation as to why that would be baby"

"I'm sure there is, I'm just hoping and praying it isn't why I think it is. ." I swallow nervously, as a chill runs up my spine.

"Don't talk or think like that Ari, you know better, you have no valid reason to believe the worst, so why are you doing it?"

"Because of isn't like Justin to leave me without an answer, even if he was busy mama"

• • •
• • •

I get home from work, and throw my keys on the counter. My mom was making spaghetti, I could smell it a mile away.

"Mama? I'm home!" I call, checking my phone for any messages or calls from him.

But to no avail, I had none.

I checked the mail before coming inside, and I had no letters from him. Just stupid ass bills.

"Mom!" I call again.

I walk into the kitchen, and I stop short.

"Look who came knocking on my door a couple hours ago" my mom says, grinning wildly.


"Baby!" I say in excitement, running over to him, I jump in his arms, and break down in happy tears.

My arms were tight around his neck, and my legs were locked around his waist.

"You miss me darling?" He asks.

I pull away, and don't even pay attention to my mom standing beside us, as I kiss him passionately.

He pulls away first, and smiled.

"Why didn't you write, or call?" I frowned.

"I wanted to surprise you angel" he strokes my cheek.

"I'm gonna go for a walk down the block" my mom says, excusing herself.

I shake my head.

"Don't do that ever again, I was so worried, when you stopped writing. . I thought. ." I fight back more tears, and he shushes me.

"Shh sh sh, baby please don't cry, I'm here, and I'm okay, I'm sorry for making you worry, I won't ever put you through something like that again"

"I'm so glad you're home" I say.

He sets me on the counter, and grins.

"I'm so happy I get to have you back in my arms again darling"

I yank his lips back onto mine, and grin as I feel his lips move against my own, in perfect sync.

My soldier has returned home, and I couldn't even begin to tell you how happy that made me.

My soldier has returned home, and I couldn't even begin to tell you how happy that made me

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- Mack

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