T h i r t y - O n e

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Ariana Grande :

"Stop it" I couldn't help but grin, as I said it. His lips were against my neck, and I shivered, when his hands moved my hair to one side.

"But, do you really want to?" He says lowly, placing soft kisses against my weak spot.

I bite my lower lip, and face him.

He smirks.

I press my lips upon his, and straddle his lap. He grips my hips, and I deepen the kiss, sliding my tongue in his mouth.

He digs his thumbs in my hips, and I moan into his mouth softly. I feel him tugging on my sweats.

I nod, and he slowly slides them down, as I help him pull them completely off.

Thank God my mom was working today.

Here we were now, me in my oversized tee, and panties. Him in his white Calvin briefs.

As we continue to make-out, I roll my hips forward, and he moans himself.

"Baby, don't do that." He says.

"Why?" I pout.

His jaw clenched.

Damn, that was hot

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Damn, that was hot.

I gasp, when I feel something hard poking into my thigh.

I look down, and blush, seeing the outline of his hardened erection.

"That's why" he says.

"I can fix it" I smirk, taking my index finger, I trace the outline.

He clenches his jaw again, and I bite my lower lip.

"I don't think–"

"Let me fix it, daddy" I say, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Daddy?" He asks.

I nod slowly, I slide off his lap, and palm him through his briefs.

"F-fuck" he curses.

"You want me to fix it?" I ask.

"P-Please" he nods.

I grasp the waistband of his Calvin's, and slides them off, as his giant erect cöck springs free.

I lick my hand, and grasp it, he moans when I do so.

"You're so hard" I say, stroking it.

"Because of you, baby." He says.

I smirk.

"Did I make daddy hard?"

"What's with the daddy act?" He asks, smiling a bit.

I squeeze his penis, and his eyes cross, and before they close in ecstasy.

"Füück" he says.

"Did I make daddy hard?" I repeat.

His eyes darken with lust.

"You did, and now you better fix it for daddy" he says, his eyes hooded, his voice dripping sex.

Mm, his dominant side was coming out.

"And what if I don't, daddy?"

He narrows his eyes.

"I'll spank your cute little ass" he says.

I gasp.

I grab his erection, and place the tip at my lips. I lick it slowly, in circles, teasing him.

"Put it in your mouth, and stop teasing daddy, now." He commands.

So I do so.

I suck him off, and he unravels under my touch. His cūm shöots in my mouth in spurts, and he moans my name, as he climaxes hard.

His heavy breaths slow down, and he pulls back on his briefs. He stares at me in adoration, before pulling me into a gentle sweet kiss.

"You're so perfect" he says.

"Not as perfect as you" I say, kissing him again.

He smiles.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, still smiling.

"I just.. I adore you, and I can't wrap my head around the fact that I get to call you mine."

"Get used to it, Bieber" I bite my lower lip, smiling a bit.

"Believe me, I'm trying, but I still don't know what I did to deserve you baby"

"Everything and more, that's what you did" I say, stroking his cheek lovingly.

He kisses my forehead.

"I wanna take you out" he says.

"Oo a date?" I wiggle my eyebrows, making him chuckle.

He nods.

"Yeah baby, a date" he says.

"I'll have to think about it" I tease, rolling off of him.

"Oh you will?" He raises his eyebrows, rolling over, he hovers above me.

"Yep, I'll see if I can pencil you in" I tell him.

He begins tickling me, and I scream, and laugh. "S-stop it! Stop it r-right now Justin!" I say, between fits of laughter.

He chuckles, and continues to tickle me.

"Say yes" he says.

"O-okay, o-okay! Fine, y-yes" I surrender, and he stops.

I try to regain normal breathing, and he smirks.

"You better get ready" he says, swatting my butt.

"Nope, I changed my mind" I say, rolling off my bed, I run out of the bedroom.

"Ariana! You better run, once I catch you, the tickling won't stop!"

I squeal, as I run downstairs, and around the house, as he chases after me.

Life could not be better.

And that's a fact.

And that's a fact

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- Mack

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