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Justin Bieber :

"It really is" she says back to me, referring to the scenery before us.

"Uhm, I-I'm Justin, Justin Bieber" I say, holding out my hand.

"Ariana, Ariana Grande, nice to finally meet you Justin" she smiles.


"Uhm.. you were expecting to meet me?" I asked, smiling at her.

I see heat rise to her cheeks.

"Well, of course. Alfredo has been one of my good friends since I moved here not too long ago, and he always talks about you, and another guy, but more so you" she tells me.

I smile, and mentally want to thank the shit out of Alfredo right now, just for being a good ass friend.

"Where'd you move from?" I ask, out of curiosity.

"Florida, I used to live with my boyfriend, but things took a bad turn, and I had to end things, and I've moved back here, to live with my mom, just until I can get a house of my own" she tells me.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, but you're gonna love it here, North Carolina is amazing" I tell her.

"I know.. I've been here for about 6 1/2 months now" she says.

I forget that I've been away for so long.

"You should let me show you some other places that I'm sure you haven't seen sometime" I tell her.

She smiles, and raises an eyebrow at me. "Are you already asking me on a date?" She asks.

"Depends" I say, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"On what?" She asks.

"Your answer" I smirk.

"How about I think about it" she says.

"Sounds good to me" I shrug, smiling at her.

"I see you two are hitting it off" I see Fredo approach us.

"Hey, where have you been?" Ariana asks him.

"Taking shots with Ry" Fred's laughs.

"I have to volunteer at a shelter in the morning pretty early, I'm gonna get going, okay?" She says.

She's nice, beautiful, and.. kind-hearted?

"Okay, you want me to drive you?" Fredo asks.

"Actually.. I can, if you want? I'm gonna head back too, to check on my mom and little brother" I speak up.

"Cool with me" Alfredo says.

"Oh I couldn't ask you to do such a thing" she says.

"Nonsense, it's no big deal, you coming?" I ask her.

"Of course, thank you" she says.

I grin at her.

She smiles.

"You two have fun" Fredo smirks, walking back up to his house.

• • •
• • •

"Oh, turn here!" She says. I make a right turn, and pull into her driveway.

She had a nice house.

She had a nice house

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"Nice place" I say.

"Thanks! It was nice meeting you Justin" she says.

"Nice meeting you too, Ariana. Let me know if you want to take me up on that date" I smirk, and she smiles.

"Oh, I will" she smirks back, sending me a sly wink.

"How will I get my answer?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"You should give me a way to reach you, you know.." hinting I wanted her number.

She laughs.

"Nice try, but I'm sure I'll see you again very soon, since we're both really close to Alfredo.. I'll give you my answer then, sound good?"

"Sounds good" I nod.

"Bye Justin" she waved.

"Bye Ariana" I smile.

Another chapter up, I hope you enjoyed!! I know it seems like I'm rushing kinda

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Another chapter up, I hope you enjoyed!! I know it seems like I'm rushing kinda.. but Justin only gets two weeks leave at a time, so things have to move kinda fast.. otherwise it'd be awfully slow. Because he leaves for months at a time. Make sense? Hope so!

- Mack

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