T w e n t y - O n e

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Ariana Grande :

Justin was going back again in a few hours, and I wasn't prepared to let him go again.

He cuddled with me, placing kisses on the top of my head every 10 seconds.

"You're okay babygirl" he says, kissing the top of my head again.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I say, drawing shapes with my index finger, on his left forearm.

"I know angel, I know. God knows I'll miss you even more" he says.

"I wish you didn't have to leave so early. . I wish we got more time together" I tell him.

"Me too baby, me too." He says, placing another kiss against my head.

"When will you be back again?" I ask, out of curiosity.

"A few months, maybe longer, it depends angel."

I frown.

"On what?" I ask.

"On what happens, and what's needed at the time angel."

I felt a pang in my heart, when he said it depended on what happened.

"Please, please promise me you'll be safe." I tell him, scrunching his shirt in my hands.

"Always angel, always" he smiles.

"Justin, I'm seriously not joking right now, you have to come back" I tell him, pulling him closer, by the collar of his black polo shirt.

He nods, and presses his lips against my own, as we kiss passionately.

He deepens it first, nibbling on my lower lip, I grant access.

He slides his tongue in, and I bunch some of his hair in my hands.

He lays me back against the leather couch, and kisses me a bit more aggressively.

I feel his lips leave my own, and trail down to my neck. I get goosebumps, feeling his lips against my neck, and I moan softly.

"Baby. ." I moan softly, biting my lower lip.

"Upstairs?" He asks.

"No. . here is fine." I say, pulling his lips back against my own. No one was home but us, so I didn't care. (A/N : fyi they didn't go all the way lmao)

• • •
• • •

We were at the airport, and I was crying again. Like I did every time.

I know it wasn't good for me to be crying in front of him, before he left.

But, I couldn't help it.

"Angel, please stop crying, you're too beautiful to do such a thing"

"My happiness is leaving me" I wipe away some loose tears, as does he.

"Baby girl, I'm gonna be back, and besides, you have so many people that care about you as well, and you wouldn't want them to see you sad, like them girls at the children hospital, or the little boy at the shelter.. do you want them to be sad with you?"

I sniffled.

"No" I shake my head.

"Then stop crying my love, I'm coming back, and I can't wait until I do. . until then, please write, every chance you get"

"I definitely will" I nod, pecking his lips.

He smiles goofily.

"I seriously adore you, Grande."

I laugh.

"I adore you too, Bieber." I rub his cheek with my hand.

He kisses my hand, and then leans down to give me one last kiss.

Ryan hugged me, and I waved goodbye to my boy's.

Justin sent me a cute smile, and a flirtatious wink, before he disappears going to board his flight.

My heart sinks, and I turn towards Pattie.

"I seriously feel like this gets harder every time" I tell her.

She nods, and pulls me into a hug.

"It never gets easier. . but if you keep him close to your heart, and your faith strong, he's never too far away, and he'll always be back"

"Always?" I ask.

"Always." She nods, sending me a smile.

I needed to hear that.

I knew one thing was true.

I had totally fallen for Justin.

Head over heels, fallen.

And I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world, because of it.

And I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world, because of it

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- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now