S e v e n

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Ariana Grande :

"Bye mama, I'm going to the office!" I say, grabbing my keys.

I had to work today.

Not volunteer, my actual job, I was a dental assistant.

I had a missed call from Justin, and I grinned to myself.

I got out to my car, and slid in the driver's seat.

I got out to my car, and slid in the driver's seat

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(A/N : das my car 😍 but mine has a sunroof)

I headed to the office, and called Justin back. "Hey beautiful" he says, answering on the first ring.

I grin.

"Hey handsome"

"What're you doing today?" He asks. I frown, and wished I didn't have to work.

"Working" I pout, even though he couldn't see it.

"Aw man, you wanna maybe grab lunch later then?" He asks.

"Yes! I go on my lunch break at 11:30, and I have an hour, so I can meet you anywhere" I tell him.

"How about the sub shoppe?" He asks.

"Sounds perfect!" I say.

"Alright baby girl, I'll see you then"

"I'll be counting down the minutes" I say.

He chuckles.

"You and me both" he says.

"Bye Justin" I bite my lower lip.

"Bye Ari" he says, before I hang up.

• • •
• • •

"Odessa Phillips" I walk out into the waiting room, to grab another patient.

She smiles kindly, and follows me back.

Dr. Omara begins by sitting her down, and making sure she's relaxed, as he tells her to open her mouth wide.

I hold her left hand for support, as Dr. Omara grabs the small mirror, to insert in her mouth.

"You have to have your wisdom teeth removed, they're not leaving much room for your other teeth, and if we don't act soon, you could be looking at braces." Dr. Omara says.

She frowns.

"Dr. Omara does an excellent job, you won't even feel a thing" I reassured her, rubbing her forearm.

She smiles at me, and nods.

"Okay" she says.

"How about you can in next Wednesday, around 2, sound good?" Dr. Omara asks.

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