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Ariana Grande :

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Ariana Grande :

"I'm ready!" I say, descending the stairs.

He looks at me, and licks his lips.

"Damn. I swear you get sexier every time I look" he says.

I smirk.

"Thanks baby" I say.

He kisses the side of my head, and grabs my hand in his.

"You ready?" He asks.

"As I can be!" I say.

• • •
• • •

He took my to the place I took him, on our little adventure we had, before the last time he left.

We were further down the hill though, closer to the sea. It was too cold to go in, there was no way I was going to go in.

"Keep walking princess" he says, tugging on my hand.

So I continue to follow him, and try not to complain how bad my feet hurt.

Word of advice to ya, don't wear knee high boots to walk through the hills, or the beach.

"Are we almost there?" I pout, stopping in my tracks.

"Almost baby, what's wrong?" He asks, facing me.

"My feet are hurting a bit" I say, pursing my lips to the side.

"You want me to carry you?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"No way! I can walk baby, I'll be fine" I say.

He didn't need to carry me, I wasn't a freaking diva, or anything.

We got to a set of stairs, and I gasped at what was at the bottom of them.

We got to a set of stairs, and I gasped at what was at the bottom of them

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