F i f t y - F o u r

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Dear Ariana,

First of all.

Don't call me daddy, when I'm not there to hear it, it's actual torture.

Now, if you want to when I get home, to tear that cute little ass up. That'll be fine :)))

But, until then, don't tease me!!

Today was good, everything is okay!

I mean obviously.. lol.

Otherwise I wouldn't be writing to you.


I'm an idiot.

What if one day I couldn't write back, cuz I got so busy, and you thought something happened, because of what I just wrote.

I feel like a dumb ass.

Sorry baby.

I'm not trying to scare, or worry you.

I'm still here, and I'm still madly in love with you, and I'm still madly excited about our baby girl coming soon!!!

I'm grinning so hard rn.

Hahahah, I have to get to bed soon.

Hope you're doing well, just know I'll see you sooner than you think!

I love you, my love.

- Justin

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now