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Ariana Grande :

"You gonna be okay, babygirl?" He holds my face between his large hands.

I pucker my lips, and he smiles, planting a soft kiss against my own lips.

"I think so.. no. I know so, because you're coming home to me, faster than I'll be able to think about it" I tell him.

I didn't want him worrying too much when he went back. He needed to focus on his job.

"You're right about that angel, I'll see you soon okay?" He asks.

"Mkay" I nod.

"I seriously adore you" he grins, before kissing my forehead.

"I adore you too" I bite my lower lip.

He smirks, and digs his nails into my hips. "Too bad I'm leaving.. that lip bite has my mind going places" he says, a sexy smirk on his lips.

"Oh yeah? Well, you dirty boy, you better take a cold shower, and focus on what you're supposed too, so you can come back home to me, and we can fix that little problem later.." I say, winking at him suggestively.

"Okay, but it's not a little problem baby" he says.

I smack his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. ." I caress his left cheek in my hand, trying to hold back warm tears.

He leans his forehead against mine.

"I'm with you baby, always. In here. ." He says, his index finger touching my chest, over my heart specifically.

I nod quickly.

He presses his lips back against mine, and I savour the taste, and feel of his lips against my own.

When we pull away, he waves, and walks away, to board his flight, along with Ryan.

I waited until they boarded, then I could break into tears.

I faced Pattie, and Jaxon, Justin's little brother, and I lose it. Pattie wrapped me in a hug, and soothed me.

"He'll be back sweetheart, he will. He cares about you so much, just know that" she tells me.

I nod quickly.

"I know, I just. . it hurts so much, to watch him leave." I tell her.

I don't know how she did it all these years, watching her son leave repeatedly, not knowing if he'd return.

• • •
• • •

When I got back home, my mom was watching One Tree Hill, on Netflix. (A/N : pissed they removed it)

So I joined her.

"Oh, hey baby! How'd it go?" She asked, as I sat close to her on the couch.

That just made me break down into more tears. "Baby. . don't cry! What's wrong??" She asked worriedly.

"He's gone mom. He's gone." I sobbed, and she held me in her arms.

"Oh sweet girl, don't cry! He'll be back, he's not gone forever. ."

"Not yet" I mutter.

"Ari, don't talk like that!"

"But, you never know mom! That's what's scaring me the most! What if something happens to him?" I shout, standing to my feet, more tears fall down my cheeks.

"That's a chance you have to be willing to take, if you truly care about him!" She raises her voice, standing up as well.

"I'm scared" I say in a whisper.

"Baby. ."

"I'm scared, and my heart hurts so much" I squeak, as I fall to my knees in quiet sobs.

"Why don't you start writing to him?" Mom asks.

I look up at her, through blurry vision.


"Letters honey, write to him, and he could have something to look forward too, and so could you, from him, while he's away"

"Letters. ." I say, thinking about it. "Yeah, I could do that! Thanks mom!" I say, hugging her tight.

She laughs.

"You're welcome honey, I just want to see you happy" she says.

"I am.. just want my happiness to come home to me safely" I tell her.

She nods.

"I love you Ari"

"I love you too, mom."

She exits the living room, and I think about what she's suggested.


I grin.

I think I'd start tomorrow.

But, I could get a head start tonight.

I went up to my room, and sat a my laptop, and clicked on Microsoft Word, and began typing.

Dear Justin Bieber,

No, not that.

Dear Justin,

No, not that either.

Dear Bieber,

I stared at what I had started the letter with, and smiled.

That's the one.

Dear Bieber.

Dear Bieber

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- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now