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Justin Bieber :

Waking up, I had a smile on my lips, I ran my index finger over them.

I could still feel her soft lips against mine, and I grinned harder.

Last night was unbelievable.

I rolled over in bed, to grab my iPhone, and did the fingerprint. I opened my messages, and typed in her name.

To Ariana :
From Justin :

Goodmorning beautiful 😍

I set my phone down, and get out of bed, I strip my clothes, and turn the shower on a little past warm.

I get in, and let the water relax my muscles, and grab the washcloth, and soap bar.

I wash, and rinse off, grabbing the towel. I dry off, and wrap the towel around my waist, walking back out into my bedroom.

I grab a grey v-neck tee, a pair of medium washed colored jeans from my closet, and a pair of my Nike Roshe's.

I picked up my phone, and saw a missed call from Ariana. I dialed her number, and let it ring.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice answered on the second ring.

"Good morning" I say.

"Good morning" she says, a giggle ringing through the phone.

"What are you up to today?" I asked her.

"I'm actually off today, you wanna meet me for some lunch, and maybe go for a walk on the beach?" She asks.

I grin.

"Of course" I say.

"Okay, just come by my house when you're ready!"


"See you in a few!"

"Bye beautiful" I say, before hanging up.

I decided to ditch the pants, and switch it out for some shorts instead.

I head downstairs, and grab my keys off the key-rack.

"You seeing Ariana again?" Mom smirks.

"'Maybe.." I say.

"Good, she's a good girl" she says.

I smile.

"I really like her mom, she's just.. perfect. It kinda scares me in a way"

"That she's perfect?" Mom raises an eyebrow.

I chuckle.

"That I already like her so much, I've never caught feelings for someone like this.. she's making me feel things that worry me, and making me do stuff I'd never do for anyone else.. she's–"

"Justin Drew Bieber.." Mom grins, and I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"You're falling for her, aren't you?"

"What? No I'm not! I've known her for barely a week ma! That's not even possible!"

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now