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Dear Ariana,

I bet it is hahahahah.

That's why I wanted you to plan it out!!! So it would preoccupy you until I could return home!

I'm so proud of you for doing all of this.

Balancing out work, volunteering, and planning a wedding. Like, how?

How do you manage it all??

Oh yeah, our mom's lol.

You're definitely right on that, thank God for em'.

I'm glad that Fredo is helping too, he literally would do anything for you Ari. He always tells me how much he cares about you. That you've always been like a little sister to him.

I'm pretty grateful for that too. I need a guy to protect my girl when I'm not there.

Are you still sick, did it go away?? I wanna know love.

Write me soon!!

I love you to pieces!

- Justin

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now