F o r t y - O n e

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Dear Bieber,

Hey my love.

I finally went to the doctor, and everything is fine!!

Nothing was ever wrong in the first place, thank goodness.

I have a surprise for you though, when you do come home.

I would tell you now, but I know that you'll want to come home even more than you do, if I keep it a secret hahah.

I'm kidding baby.

I just wanna show and talk to you about it, in person!

The wedding is coming along so lovely, everything we've done so far, for it, looks absolutely stunning.

I'm so proud of everyone's work, and dedication to this, including my own.

We just can't wait for you to come home now!!

Only a couple more months, until we say I do!!!

I love you more than life sweet boy.

- Ariana

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now