F i f t y - S i x

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Ariana Grande :

Justin was supposed to be coming back tonight, within the next few hours. Elle was expected to be coming within the next few days.

"You okay?" Mom asks, rubbing my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'm excited, my baby girl is expected soon, and my husband is coming home to me" I grin, looking down at my wedding band.

Mom smiles.

"I'm so proud of everything you've done in your life Ariana. Every single thing, including marrying the sweetest man you deserved. And now, you're making me a grandma. I don't think I could ever tell you how happy I am, that your my girl, Ariana." I tear up, and throw my arms around my mom, in a tight hug.

"I love you so much, mama."

"Oh, I love you too, my sweet baby."

When we pull away, she wipes away my tears. I look over at the digital clock on the stove.


Justin's plane landed at 7:15pm, but Alfredo was picking him up. Just in case, Elle decided to come early.

And my mom was here to help me, just in case that we're to happen.

/ /

I must have dozed off, because the 'are you still watching' title was on the TV screen, from Netflix.

Mom was sleeping, in the recliner, curled up with a blanket.

My stomach started hurting, and I began breathing heavily.

"Oof, oh my– wow." I held my stomach, and felt something incredibly wet.

My eyes widened.

My water had just broke.

"Mom! Mom wake up! Mom!" I shout, throwing sofa pillows at her.

She jolts up.

"W-what? What is it?" She asks.

"Elle is coming, now!" I say, waddling to the front door.

"Oh my God, it's time?" She asks.

"It's time" I nod, smiling.

I check the clock again.


I hope little Elle can wait just a bit longer, so her daddy can see her be born.

/ /

"We're taking you back now ma'am"

"No, my husband should be on his way, his plane landed like 30 minutes ago, he should be here any minute, please wait" I beg.

They shake their head.

"We can't wait much longer ma'am, this baby has to come out, I'm sorry, but it could be dangerous to wait too much longer" the nurse said.

I sigh in defeat.

I nod.

"Okay" I say sadly.

My mom decides to join me in the back, and so does Pattie.

I scream, when my contractions start kicking in. It was unbearable, and so painful.

I decided to get an epidural.

I never thought that I would get it.

But, the pain was so bad.

I push, and scream.

Push and scream.

Push and scream.

Push and scream.

Push and scream.

And finally I heard crying.

I looked through blurred, tired vision, and see my precious baby girl.

Elle Lively was here.

And she couldn't be more perfect.

Once everything settled down, and as I was feeding Elle, Alfredo bursted into my hospital room

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Once everything settled down, and as I was feeding Elle, Alfredo bursted into my hospital room.

"Hey!" I grin. "Where's Justin?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"F-Fredo. . where is my husband?" I ask again. I could tell he had been crying, his eyes red.

He steps aside, and my heart drops, when I see two men in uniform walk in, holding a folded up flag.


No, this can not be happening.

"Mrs. Bieber, we regret to inform you that your husband, has sadly passed away in war, early this morning, he was in a coma, and didn't pull through."

"Oh my God" I hear Pattie cry out, I watch her fall to her knees.

"M-Mom" I croak.

She takes Elle out of my hands, and my heart began racing, and I couldn't breathe.

The soldiers tried handing forth the flag, and I swallowed hard.

"A-Ariana!" Everything went black.

"A-Ariana!" Everything went black

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- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now