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Ariana Grande :

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Ariana Grande :

Waking up, I lazily rolled over, and felt Justin beside me. I peek through blurred vision, and could tell he was still sleeping.

His chest rose and fell with each soft breath he took. He was shirtless, with only white Nike sweats on.

It was a picture perfect moment.

I kissed his cheek, and moved onto his lips, pecking them lightly.

He scrunched his nose slightly, and then fluttered open his eyes.

"Good morning baby!" I greet him, with a goofy grin.

He smiles tiredly, rubbing his eye.

"Morning angel" he mumbles, one of his arms wrap around my waist, and I lean down, and kiss him again.

"Get up, I wanna go somewhere today!" I tell him.

"It's too early" he whines.

"You literally wake up everyday at 5am, but 9am is too early?" I ask.

"I'm on break, that means I get to sleep in" he says, trying to pull me down beside him.

"Fine, I guess I'll go sight-seeing on my own" I tease, sliding out of bed.

I sway my hips, as I walk towards my dresser drawers.

"Stop swaying your sexy little ass" he says.

"Or what. ." I challenge.

"Or I'll spank it" he says.

Oh damn.

Didn't expect that.

"You wouldn't" I narrow my eyes.

"Try me angel" he says, a sexy tired smirk on his naturally reddened lips.

I pick out a pair of thongs from VS, and try to find a sorta similar bra to go with it.

I change into the set, and pick out clothes to wear for the day.

I settle on a light pink tank top, and a pair of distressed ripped skinny jeans, with a black leather jacket. I decided to wear my black thigh high boots with it.

"Okay sexy, I see you" Justin says, making me giggle.

"Would you please change?" I ask.

"Of course princess" he says, kissing my forehead.

I smile.

I walk into my bathroom, and plug in my curler. While it gets hot, I brush my teeth, and moisturize my face.

I do my make-up first, then curl my hair, before pinning part of it up.

I walk out and see Justin wearing the same colored tee shirt, with the words Blessed written in black bulky letters, a pair of medium washed distressed jeans, and his black Yeezy's.

"Yay, we match!" I say.

"Matching with my queen" he says, kissing the top of my head.

I blush.

"So, where exactly are we going?" He asks.

I smirk, and grab his hand, pulling him behind me.

"Follow and find out" I say.

• • •
• • •

"This is amazing" Justin breathes, wrapping a arm around my waist, from behind.

We were on top of a grassy hill, looking out at the ocean in front of us.

"It's so beautiful" I say.

"It's beauty doesn't come close to yours" he says, kissing below my ear.

I smile.

I face him, and bite my lower lip.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I ask him, and he looks at me quizzically.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asks.

"Looking at me like that"

"I'm not following. ."

"Like I'm the most perfect thing in the world"

"Because to me, you are." He says.

I shake my head.

"God, I'm so glad I found you" I say, tears blur my vision.

"Why are you crying baby?" He asks, wiping away some loose tears.

"I am terrified that I will never be the same person I was before I met you. ."

"Why do you say that, you're perfect." He says.

"Because don't you see it, don't you feel it?" I ask.

"Feel what babygirl?"

"Me falling for you."


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