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Ariana Grande :

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Ariana Grande :

I had just finished getting dressed, so I could go over to Justin's house, and apologize.

I was gonna do it last night, but I figured I better wait, give it some time.

My mom had went to work, and I had taken off for two weeks to be with Justin, so I really felt bad about all of this.

I grabbed my keys, to leave, and turned the knob to open the front door.

I was taken back when I saw Justin at my front door already. Holding a bouquet of pink roses, and tears dripping down his cheeks.

He looked like he hadn't slept, and like he's been crying for a bit. His eyes were puffy, and tears streaks were stained on his cheeks.

"Justin" I say.

"I am so sorry Ariana, I didn't mean to make you feel–"

"Come in here" I say, pulling him inside.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't care, or being raped wasn't important, because it is, and I'd be damned if I ever let someone harm you like that. Ariana, you're my whole entire world, and you don't even understand. . how much I care about you. You mean everything to me."

"Oh baby. ." I caress his cheek, and wipe away some tears.

I shake my head.

"You don't need to apologize, it was my fault, and I feel like shit, because I did blow it all out of proportion. . your fear is just as important as mine, if not more, because I'd never want something like that to happen to you either, you're my whole world, my whole universe. And I'm sorry. ."

He sniffles, and nods.

"I missed you, I couldn't sleep last night, I thought y-you were done with me" he said.

"Never baby, you're stuck with me" I try to make a joke, making us both laugh.

"I'd gladly be 'stuck' with you for the rest of my life" he says.

He hands me the roses, and I smile.

I stand on my tip toes, and peck his lips. He smiled.

He presses his lips down to mine, and I kissed him back, our mouths moved in sync.

I pulled him closer against me, and deepened the kiss myself. He grunts into my mouth, and I set the roses on a table beside the front door.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and he grabs the back of my thighs, so I jump.

I feel him walking, and then my back hits our couch. I move my lips to his neck, and he curses under his breath.

I take off his leather jacket, and pull up his shirt. I remove it, and my mouth literally waters at his body.

This.. is all mine?

I place my lips against his chest, and he moans softly. "Ariana, you're so naughty" he says.

I smirk, and pull off my own top.

His eyes immediately go to my boobs.

What little I had.

He looks back up at my eyes, and his are more lustful now.

I caress his cheek, and he kisses the side of my hand.

His face goes between my boobs, and I arch my back as he grabs one out of bra, and takes it into his mouth.

"J-Justin. ."

He doesn't stop, as he unhooked my bra quickly, and takes the other into his mouth.

I moan, and bite my lower lip, my back arching.

When he stops, I frown.

I look up at him, and he is hovering over me. "I want you so bad right now, it's ridiculous, but I also want this moment to be perfect." He says.

"Well. . you make anything perfect so" I tell him.

He grins.

"I don't want to take away something that should be cherished. ."

"You do cherish it, you would, wouldn't you?" I ask him.

He nods quickly.

"Yes baby, of course."

"Well then. . what's stopping you?"

"It's not the right time" he says, and I frown.

"But, now you've made me all horny" I pout, and cross my arms over my chest.

"I can fix that" he says.

"You just said–"

He kisses my lips softly.

"There are other ways to fix these things" he smirked, making me bite my lower lip.

"Show me, Bieber."

- Mack

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- Mack

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