T h i r t y - N i n e

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Dear Bieber,

I can't believe you're actually gonna be gone for four months this time. Ugh, it irritates me more than you know dude.

I thought three months was hard, that extra month might drive me to a nut house.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

I've been so busy, it's like time is flying by! Not that I don't miss you, cuz I do.

A whole damn lot.

Like a WHOLE damn lot.

But, being occupied with so many things, especially our wedding, it's a lot of work, and so time consuming!!

I mean hell, it's already been 2 weeks, and I still haven't gotten half the things I planned to, done!

Thank God for our mothers, and Fredo!!

I probably would be overly stressed if it wasn't for them helping.

I'm sorry to hear that it's not looking so good over there. Not that I ever expected it too.

I just wish you didn't have to go through that everyday Justin.

I can only imagine the pain, and guilt you must feel sometimes. I'm so sorry baby love.

I wish I could make it all better for you.

Just stay safe please, and come home to me. I promise I'll make it worthwhile.





- Ariana

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now