T h i r t y - F i v e

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Ariana Grande :

His hands are all over me, and I pull at his hair. "I'm just getting started, baby" he smirks.

His hands grope my boobs, and squeeze them. I moan softly, as he trails his tongue from my stomach, up to in between my boobs.

"J-Justin. ."

He only smirks, his tongue goes around my right areola, and my head dips back, as I moan again.

"How does that feel, hm baby girl?"

"So good, so good daddy"

His lips kiss my stomach, and make their way down to my panty covered privates.

He kisses me, his lips linger against the think layer of vs fabric.

"P-please" I beg.

"Please what?" He asks.

"Do something, anything" I beg.

"Do you want my fingers, or my tongue?" He asks.

My eyes part, and I swallow.

"Both please" I say.

He nods, and lowers his head down to my lower region. He grabs my panties between his teeth, and I gasp.

He slides them down slowly, and throws them aside with one hand.

He kisses up my inner thighs, and I shiver in pleasure. He gets to my heat, and presses a kiss against it as well.

Oh my fuck.

"Calm down babygirl" he says softly, his tongue pokes out, only to slide up and down my core.

"It feels. . so good" I moan, as my toes curls into the sheets.

"I bet" he says, before reattaching his lips to my core.

I buck my hips, and he grabs them and pins them down.

"Careful there kitten" he says.

"P-please daddy, don't stop" I beg, pulling at his hair.

He smirks.

He goes back to pleasuring me in the best ways possible.

/ /

"Are you sure about this baby?" He asks, hovering above me. "Because we can wait, I can wait." He says.

I smile sweetly, and look up at him lovingly, I grab his face between my hands, and stroke softly.

"I know you would, and that's why I really want to do this, with you, right now."

He smiles softly.

Then he nods.

He slowly enters me, and my mouth falls open with a moan. It wasn't just in pleasure, but also in pain.

"I-I'm sorry angel" he says, thrusting in slowly.

My mouth is just parted, I couldn't bring up any words right now. I was overwhelmed with emotions.

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