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Dear Ariana,

Tell that crazy ass I miss him too! Hahahah. Most definitely down for a guy's night – at his house.

Not going to any bars, or clubs, when I got the best girl out there! I promise I will most definitely come home to you.

Every single time.

I miss you more than life right now angel. One of the guy's on my squad, passed today.

He was shot 6 times, and I tried to get him help as fast as I could, but, three of of six shots went into major organs, and he passed shortly after.

I cried for a long time, he was honestly a good guy, and he had a wife back home, a baby girl due soon.

I'm crying again, writing to you about it. I never wanna feel that pain, and I never wanna make you feel that pain angel.

You're too precious to ever receive news like that. I'm doing my best to keep myself safe, for us.

I'm glad to hear Fredo is taking care of you while I'm away. He is a good friend. The best! Besides Ryan of course.

Anyways.. I gotta get some sleep, I have to be up in 5 hours hahah. You stay beautiful, and just know I adore you! See you soon angel.

- Justin

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now