F o r t y - F o u r

845 57 16

Ariana Grande :

Justin was coming home today, and tomorrow afternoon, we would be married.

I couldn't keep the grin from my lips, and I looked down at my barely visible baby bump, and smiled harder.

I hope he was going to be as happy as I was about it.

I'm sure he would be.

He loves me.

"Ari, lets go try on your dress again, after we'll get lunch, and Justin's plane should be landing about then, so we can head there, and pick him up later" mom said.

I nodded.

"How's the munchkin?" She asks, placing her hand on my small baby bump.

"He or she, is good. Really good." I smile.

I haven't found out the gender yet, I wanted to go with Justin for that. I think it's only fair.

/ /

"You look.. stunning Ari" mom says, covering her mouth with her hands.

I smile at my reflection, and stare.

I did look really pretty.

I felt really pretty too.

(A/N : that's her dress, didn't want a flashy one lol)

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(A/N : that's her dress, didn't want a flashy one lol)

"I'm so excited about tomorrow" I tell my mom, I come down off the stand.

"I bet, it's something you'll cherish forever" she tells me.

"I know, I'm so in love with him, it's not even funny"

She laughs, and kisses my cheek.

"That's what it's supposed to feel like" she says.

My phone started ringing, and I ask my mom to grab it.

"It's your husband to be" she smiles, bringing it to me.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey angel, my flight landed a bit earlier than expected, Fredo told me you're doing your final dress fit, so he's picking me up"

"But baby–"

"It's okay baby love, he's already almost here, and I have to show you your surprise"

"I do too" I smile.

"And I can't wait, just meet me at the address I text you" he says, and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Okay" I answer.

"I love you my beautiful fiancée"

"I love you too!" I grin.

/ /

We followed the gps, to the address Justin texted me, and got to a house, it was the only one until about 4-5 miles down the road.

We followed the gps, to the address Justin texted me, and got to a house, it was the only one until about 4-5 miles down the road

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(A/N : pretend it isn't next to other houses lol)

We parked, and I saw Alfredo's car, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What is going on?" I ask my mom.

She just shrugs.

I stop short, when the front door opens, and I see Justin and Alfredo walking out.

I smile, and fast walk over to him, since I don't have the energy to run.

He grins, and picks me up off the ground, and kisses me.

"Surprise" he smirks.

"You didn't have to make me drive out to a random house, just to see you, silly boy" I tell him.

"That's because it's not random" Alfredo speaks up.

I raise an eyebrow at Justin.

"What is he talking about?"

Justin only grins.

"This. . is our home now." He tells me, catching me off guard.

"W-w-what?" I ask.

He nods.

"I have been getting Alfredo to look at houses, and send me pictures, and information on them, and he made a deal with our realtor, when I got back, just about an hour ago, I bought it."

"Oh my God! Baby!" I squeal, kissing him all over the face.

He laughs, and presses his lips to line gently. "I love you" he says.

"Mm I love you more" I tell him, my arms around his neck.

"So. . what my surprise?" He smirks, setting me down.

I bite my lower lip, and look between Alfredo and my mom.

They nod, telling me to go for it.

"What's going on?" Justin asks, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Justin" I grab both his hands in mine. "I have referred to you as so many things, the guy I'm seeing, my boyfriend, my fiancé, and tomorrow my husband. There's also, baby, my love, my man, you know. However, you're getting a new name, and you better get used to it. Because we're going to be hearing it a lot." I explain.

He raises an eyebrow.

"I don't understand" he says.

I take one of his hands, and place it on my stomach. "Congratulations, you're going to be a daddy" I tell him.

His face drains of color, and turns pinkish, I watch him tear up, and fall on one knee.

"A-are you serious?" He asks.

I nod happily.

I place my hand in his hair, as he kisses my stomach repeatedly. "Oh my God, I love you so much" he says, standing back up, he kisses me passionately.

And I'm that moment, I knew.

He was always gonna be the one.

My forever.

My forever

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- Mack

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