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Ariana Grande :

"That's literally not possible" I say to him.

Justin gives me a look.

"How are you scared of heights?" I ask him.

"They freak me out dude, like, think about it, falling to your death" he says.

"Okay but that's about as possible as anything else in the world killing you Justin, don't be a pansy ass"

"My girlfriend is so rude" he pouts.

"No, my boyfriend just has irrational fears" I tell him.

"Like you're fear isn't irrational" he rolls his eyes, making me give me a rude look.

I frown.

My fear was being raped.

"It isn't Justin" I tell him.

"Neither is my fear of heights"

"Yes it is, it's kinda ridiculous. ."

"Why are you being so mean to me right now?" He asks.

"I'm not, but you saying my logical fear of being raped is more irrational, than your fear of heights, is ridiculous"

"Okay, you're seriously blowing this all out of proportion baby"

"No I'm not, being raped happens way more, than someone being killed from 'heights'" I say.

"It's still my fear Ariana, and it's kinda rude of you to say mine is more irrelevant than yours, can't we just drop it?"

"No." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine, I'm leaving" he says, standing to his feet.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not gonna continue a pointless argument with you angel, I don't want to fight, so I'll come back when you cool off, okay?"

"Then don't come back at all."

"Ariana, you can't be serious?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" I ask, placing a hand on my hip.

He sighs.

"I'll call you later" he whispers, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.

He walks out of my house, and I shake my head, warm tears fill my eyes.

I can't believe he honestly thinks his fear is worse than mine, or he doesn't take being raped seriously..

I can't even believe him right now.

"Hey, where'd Justin go?" Mom cascades down the stairs, drying her hair.

"We got into our first fight, and he left"

"What? Why? What happened?"

"I told him to leave"

"Why would you do that?" She asks.

"He pissed me off mom, we were arguing about our worst fears, and I told him his is irrational and ridiculous, because it is"

"Ariana, that wasn't nice."

"Well it is ma, I mean come on, fear of heights? Really.."

"Everyone is different Ariana. Just because it's not being raped, or getting robbed, or snakes, or whatever, doesn't mean it's any less important."

"Are you seriously siding with him right now?"

"Ari, I'm not siding, I'm just giving you logical reasoning baby, you were out of line, and in this case, were wrong, you need to apologize."

I sigh.

"I don't wanna look stupid"

"That's what relationships do honey, especially during fights, you have to swallow that pride, and own up to your mistakes."

"I hate it when you're right."

She grins.

"But, you kinda love me for it though, right?" She asks.

I smile.

"Maybe a little" I nod, giving her a hug.

I can't believe Justin and I had our first fight, and I was the one wrong in it.

I can't believe Justin and I had our first fight, and I was the one wrong in it

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- Mack

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