T h i r t y - S i x

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Ariana Grande :

Justin was leaving again tomorrow, and I already missed him more than I usually did.

Which was saying a lot.

"Baby, please don't get like that, you know I love you, and I'm coming back to make you my wife" he tells me.

"I know, I just hate the part where you have to go" I say sadly.

"Me too love bug" he kisses the top of my head.

"I seriously don't know what I'm going to do without you"

"Plan our wedding, everything has to be done and ready by the time I get back, which should take up most of your time, between work, and volunteering" he smirks.

He wasn't wrong.

"I guess I'll be preoccupied, but don't think I'm not gonna write to you"

"Never baby, I would hope you still would, I love getting letters from you, every single one is kept in my case, under my bed, back at the loft."

I smile.

"Really?" I ask.

He nods, grinning.

"You bet" he says.

"You're the cutest" I tell him.

"I think that's you actually"

I roll my eyes playfully.

"You always gotta one up me, I can never give you compliments" I tease.

He laughs, and bends down to kiss me.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you baby" I say back to him.

/ /

"I never wanna forget this" he says, looking out at the sky.

We had a fire going, us both laying on a blanket, we stared up at the starry filled sky.

We had a fire going, us both laying on a blanket, we stared up at the starry filled sky

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"What babe?" I ask, propping my head up on my hand.

"This night, this moment, us, you."

"Me neither"

"I know I tell you this more than most guys tell their girls, but I love you, with all my heart, and I'm never gonna stop saying it, or proving it to you, every day, for the rest of our lives together, my heart has never felt his much joy, or compassion, I'm overwhelmed with happiness because of you. I don't think you realize just how much you mean to me, Ariana I would die for you."

"I do, I do understand just what you mean, because you just stole every word that's been swirling in my mind, since we met. Justin, you're the best thing I've ever received, and if i ever lost you, I would die. I love you that much, my heart beats for you, and only you."

I can see his eyes getting teary, but so we're mine, so we both laughed, and wiped each other tears away.

"I love you" we both say at the same time, making us both laugh, before he pulls me in for a loving kiss.

"I love you" we both say at the same time, making us both laugh, before he pulls me in for a loving kiss

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- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now