T w e n t y - T w o

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* 2 Weeks Later *

Dear Bieber,

Hello my love, how're things?

Are you getting enough sleep, enough food? Are you staying safe like you promised?

What's it like over there?

I miss you.

Ms. Tellur was asking about you at the shelter yesterday. I told her you were fine, and being brave.

You are fine, aren't you?

How is Ryan?

Please keep each other safe.

It's driving me crazy not being able to see you, hold you, have you around.

And I'm going to go nuts if you don't reply, and let me know you're okay.

Your mother, my mother, your brother, and Alfredo all send their love.

You be safe out there, and I'll see you again soon.

I adore you, Bieber.

- Ariana

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now