T h r e e

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Ariana Grande :

"Hi Ariana!" Kinzie, one of the girl's that stays at this shelter, says to me.

I smile at her, and reach out to hug her. "Hi sweet girl, how are you?" I ask.

"Pretty good, you?" She asks.

"I'm better, now that I got to see you again" she smiles.

I grin.

"I miss you too Kinzie" I say.

She give me another tight hug, and I fix her a plate of food. I hand it to her, and she takes it. With a smile, she waves goodbye.

I greet the next person in line, with a warm smile.

"Ariana, you're here!" A elderly woman name Ms. Montovich wrapped me ina tight hug.

"Hi Ms. M!" I say, hugging her back.

"I didn't know if you were scared off from the last time" she said.

The last time I was here, I was serving someone, and they had a brain aneurism right in front of me.

It was beyond scary.

Luckily, I acted quickly, and called 911.

"No ma'am, I'm just more cautious is all, I love being here with you all" I tell her.

She smiles.

"We love having you here Ari, you're a good girl, such a good girl" she says, rubbing my hair.

I grin.

"Thank you Ms. M" I say, handing her a plate of food.

"No, thank you Ari" she says, before walking away, to sit down.

I honestly loved being here, most people would never be caught dead in here, because of their pride.

But to me, everyone was equal.

No one was better than me, and I wasn't better than anyone either.

We were equals.

And I feel like the world should start seeing the a lot more.

• • •
• • •

I was now volunteering at the children's hospital. I was in the cancer unit, and I loved being here with these kids.

They deserved so much more than what they got.

"A pink pony?" I asked, and the little girl giggled.

She had colored a picture of a pony pink. "I like ponies, and pink is my favorite color" she tells me.

"Mine too!" I say.

"Really?" She asks, with raised eyebrows, eyes parted.

I nod.

"That is so cool! You're my new best friend!" She tells me.

I giggle.

"I'd be honored to your best friend" I say, placing a hand over my heart.

She giggled.

"You're funny" she says.

I smile.

It's the little things that got to my heart.

Moments like this.

• • •
• • •

When I got home, I realized no one was here. But there was a note left.

So, I read it.

My mom was gone, on another business trip, so I had the house to myself.

My phone starts ringing, and I look at the caller ID.


I answer.


"You coming over tonight?" He asks.

"Depends.. will their be snacks?" I ask.

He chuckles.

"Their will be snacks, and Justin" he says, I laugh.

"I'll come, just give me a few, I just got back from volunteering, and I have to freshen up" I tell him.

"For Justin?" He says, and I could just tell by the tone of his voice, he was probably smirking.

"For myself dipshit" I say.

"Whatever you say, I'll see you tonight loser" he says.

"Bye doofus" I say, before hanging up.

I needed to look decent if I was gonna see Justin tonight.

So I did so.

Another chapter, hope you enjoy!! Please, stay tuned! x

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Another chapter, hope you enjoy!! Please, stay tuned! x

- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now