F o r t y - S e v e n

803 57 5

Ariana Grande :

We were back from our two week honeymoon. To say we had the best time, was a complete understatement.

We had that, and more.

Today was the day, we'd find out the gender of our little peanut. We were both super excited about it.

I thought I was excited, Justin was literally downstairs standing at the door, waiting on me.

"Babe! Are you done? Let's go!" He calls up to me.

See what I mean?

"I'm headed down!" I call back.

I wasn't huge, like some people got when they were pregnant. But I was a small girl before, so maybe I would get like that.

I mean I was now 5 months along.

He or she has been good to me. I haven't had that bad of morning sickness anymore, and barely any cramps.

I just am super hungry all the time, and get tired easily. I do eat whatever I want most of the time, but I also try to balance it out with eating some healthy things.

I also do yoga, and some pregnancy safe work-outs.

Everything in my life was perfect.

"Baby!!" Justin whines.

I roll my eyes, smiling, as I walk downstairs slowly.

He helps me down the last few steps, and walks me out the door.

Oh I forgot to mention, Justin and I were already moved into our new home.

He being sweet man he is, had people move stuff in, while we were gone.

It wasn't completely how I wanted it yet. But, what house would be?

I just wanted to do some interior decorating, and it'd be complete.

"Hey beautiful" Justin says, bending down on one knee.

"Hey handsome" I smile.

"Oh. I was actually talking to our baby. ." he said, kissing my stomach.

I push his head away, and scoff, shaking my head, he laughs.

He stands back up, and presses his lips down against mine, and I smile against his plump soft lips.

"You my wife, are absolutely stunning" he said, making me blush.

He kisses my cheek, and grabs my hand.

"Ready?" He asks.

"As I'll ever be" I nod, squeezing his hand.

/ /

I was getting my sonogram done, and Justin was pacing the room, his stare on the computer screen.

"Well?" He asks, throwing a hand up impatiently.

"Sir, we just got started" the nurse said.

"Baby" I warn, letting him know he needed to settle down.

He pouts, and takes a seat next to my bedside. He kisses my stomach, and I run my hand through his hair soothingly.

"I can't wait for you to come out into this world, with daddy and mommy" I hear him say, pressing his lips against my stomach once more.

Minutes went by, and I was getting impatient myself.

"Well, congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Bieber, you will be having a baby girl."

A grin takes form on my lips, and I cover my mouth in shock. I look over at Justin, who's now crying himself, and rubbing my stomach.

 I look over at Justin, who's now crying himself, and rubbing my stomach

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- Mack

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now