F o r t y - T h r e e

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Dear Bieber,

One week.

One week until you come home, and we tie the knot. Wow.

I can not believe this is happening, I'm so excited my love. I've been so anxious, and excited for the past week.

And now the feels are really kicking in, knowing in 7 days, I'll be your wife.

That's crazy, and amazing.

Anyways, I just wanted to write, and let you know everything is set, and ready to go.

Only a few small things have to be done within the next couple days.

I'm so happy.

All because of you, and something else.

Your surprise.

Please hurry home, I love you a whole bunch my sweet soldier.

- Ariana

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now