T h i r t y - T h r e e

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Ariana Grande :

Waking up, I see Justin staring at me.

I smile sleepily, and reach over, to stroke his cheek.

He kisses my hand, and brings his lips down onto mine.

"Mm good morning, fiancée" he smirks, pulling away.

"Good morning fiancé" I sat back to him.

"I can't believe you'll be my wife soon"

"Soon? You think a wedding just magically comes together over night?" I ask him, and he chuckles.

"No. . but I wanna be married by the next time I come home" he says.

My eyes part.

That's like only 3 months.

"Calm down. Alfredo, my mom, your mom can all help, it doesn't need to be huge, just perfect enough to make you wanna spend the rest of your life with me."

"In that case, I don't need a wedding for that."

He grins.

"But you're getting one anyways, because I wanna see everyone there when I make you mine, forever."

"Me too" I say to him.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door, and say "it's open!"

My mom comes in, and smiles brightly.

"Breakfast is ready for my love bugs" she says.

"Thank you Ms. Butera" Justin says.

"Oh please love, call me Joan."

"We'll be down in a few mom" I tell her.

She nods, and leave any room, shutting the door behind her.

"Let's go eat princess" he says, sitting up in bed.

"Okay" I say, I hop off my bed, as Justin follows me downstairs.

I grab a plate, and hand off another to Justin. We make our plates, and sit at the dining room table to eat.

"So what color are we looking at, for the wedding" I almost choke on my first bite of pancake.

Well, I didn't know we'd start discussing stuff like that, right now.

"Baby, you okay?" Justin rubs my back, and I nod, swallowing the food.

"Mom. . we haven't discussed all of that yet" I say.

"Well if you're planning on getting hitched the next time he comes back, you better get to discussing" she tells me.

Justin smiles at me, and I sigh.

"This is a lot to take in, don't get me wrong, I wanna get married, I love you, but it's so much, and it doesn't feel like enough time. ." I tell him.

"I love you too angel, trust me, have a little faith, and it will all work out in our favor, I promise." He says.

I nod, biting my lower lip.

"Okay" I nod.

"Great then its settled, what colors can we work with Ari?"

"Uhm I like navy a lot, or a blush color, or even like a maroon and rose gold sorta thing"

Justin smirks.

"See baby, you're already ahead of the game" he kisses the top of my head.

I smile.

"I wanna make this work, I want to be married to you the next time you come home to me, I promise to work hard to make it happen."

"I know you will my love, I know you will."

"I love you, Justin"

"I love you more, Ari"

"I love you more, Ari"

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- Mack

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