E p i l o u g e :

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Ariana Grande :

"Elle Lively, you need to eat your munchies first" I scold my now, two year old baby girl.

"Toy" she pouts, grabbing the toy that came with her kid's meal.

"No ma'am, eat your munchies first, toy later." I tell her, taking away the toy.

She begins to tear up, and my heart tears in half at the sight.

"M-ma-ma, toy, pease." She makes grabby hands at the toy.

"I'll give you your toy, if you promise to eat your munchies" I try, and deal with her.

She nods, and I watch her wipe her eyes gently.

"What did mean ole mommy do this time?" Justin walks in, picking her up out of her high chair.

He kisses her all over her face, making her giggle. "Hey princess" he tells her.

"D-da-da" she says, grabbing his face between her small hands.

He smiles.

"Mean ole mommy is trying to get her to eat, but she refuses, see wants her toy." I tell him.

"Is that true, Elle?" He asks, looking at her, a playful stare on his face.

She giggles, and shakes her head.

I laugh, and shake my head.

"Such a fibber you are, Elle Lively." I say.

"Come on, let's eat, dada is hungry" he says, sitting her back down, he takes a seat of his own.

With no problem, she begins eating with him.


"Elle Lively, why couldn't you do that 5 minutes ago?" I ask, playfully narrowing my eyes at her.

"Dada" she points, and smiles goofily.

Justin smirks at me, and leans over to kiss Elle's cheek.

"Princess knows, dada wasn't here to eat, and she won't eat without him, right Elle?" He asks.

"Yea" she says, nodding her head.

We both laugh, causing her to burst into fits of giggles.

"You such a silly girl, yes you are" I say, tickling her stomach.

I finish my food, and stand up, placing my dish in the sink. I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind, lips press into my neck.

"Mm my wife is so hot" he says softly, I smirk, as Justin kisses up my neck.

"Your daughter is in the room, careful with your actions husband" I warn, turning to face him.

"Elle you want to go night-night?" Justin asks, looking back at her.

She looks at him, like he's crazy, and shakes her head.

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