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(A/N : time skip to when Justin is coming home 😇)

(A/N : time skip to when Justin is coming home 😇)

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Ariana Grande :

"You're awfully excited" mom states, as I grin, while grabbing the OJ out of the fridge.

"Justin's coming home today!" I say, I couldn't wipe the grin from my lips.

"No way! Oh, how great honey!" She grins as well, placing her hands on both her cheeks in surprise.

"I know" I squeal.

I missed my baby so much.

"When are you going to pick him up from the airport?" She asks me.

"I have to leave like now, to get there in time!" I tell her.

"You want me to come with?" She asks.

"No, that's okay. I'll see you later though!" I tell her.

"Okay, be careful, I love you sweet pea!" She calls to me.

"Love you too mom!" I call, before walking out the front door.

I slid into my car, and looked at my phone. I had a two texts from Justin.

From Baby 💙 :
To Ariana :

Can't believe in 2 short hours I get to see your gorgeous face 😍

From Baby 💙 :
To Ariana :

Seriously, I can't wait to see you angel. It's been too long.. 😩

Awh, my sweet boy.

To Baby 💙 :
From Ariana :

I can't believe it either!! On my way to the airport now, so excited to see you again handsome 🙈

I put my phone away, and backed out of my driveway. I headed to the airport.

• • •
• • •

I found a parking spot, and made my way up to the doors, and then inside. I remembered what flight he had told me yesterday over the phone.

I had to take the elevator up a couple stories. Once I got up there, I checked the time, and saw he should be getting off about now.

So I watched as people flooded in and out of planes. I looked for Justin or Ryan.

But, I didn't see him.

I frowned, and waited longer, but didn't see either of them.

Several minutes passed, and I sighed.

Where was he?

I felt someone cover my eyes, and I gasped, and turned around to rear my fist back.

"Whoa! Whoa! Baby, baby, take it easy. It's me! It's me, Justin!" He says, grabbing my fist.

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