F o r t y - N i n e

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Dear Bieber,

It's only been a few days since you've been gone. Elle and I miss you. I think she knows you've been gone, cuz she's been kinda restless.

I've gotten pretty pains cramps, and pains, she kicks constantly now.

She misses her daddy.

I miss you too.

So freaking much Justin.

I didn't know it would get much harder, letting you go. But, this has to be the most painful, this time.

Letting you go back.

I'm terrified, and I know you're being safe, and I know you'll come home to us. I just can't help but worry.

I mean, this is our future we're talking about, I can't lose you.

Elle needs her daddy.

I need you.

Please, write me soon.

I love you, Justin.

- Ariana

Dear Bieber • jarianaWhere stories live. Discover now