Chapter 2

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I can't believe this not only do I have to move in with my uncle Niall and Harry, but I have to start a new school. Why bother? Cant I just be home schooled? My last parent just died.

"Lux come on honey, I know it's hard and all but you just have to do it, for us." I looked up to see Harry giving me the puppy dog just having to agree. Going up stairs and towards the bathroom I started to strip ready for my shower.hearing the sound of a beeping car horn, I jumped out of the shower and started to put on my new school uniform which consist of a black and white checked winter skirt and a white button up top with a black tie.

"Hi Ni." I said when I jumped in the passenger seat of the range rover and speed off down the road. "Now honey I'm going to take you into the office and sign all the paper work, and just before I do so would you mind if your names Lux Olivia Payne-Horan?", I can't believe this now my names changing, why'd you have to do this to me daddy? "Sure I guess." I said as we pulled up to the school.

Niall hoped out of the car and grabbed hold of my hand, carefully directing me to the office, as I walked with my head down. After signing me in Niall told me that he'd be back at 3 to pick me up.

Following the head teacher down the halls we stopped at a door. Knocking on the door and walking in I was introduced. "Class this here is Lux Payne-Horan, she's new here so lets welcome her." I stood awkwardly at the front of the class not knowing what to do, I just dropped my head. "Well Lux do you wanna tell us a bit bout your self?", the teacher by the name of Miss Nixon asked. Well here goes nothing.

"My names Lux, my dad not long ago passed away and I've never new my mum. I live with my uncles Harry and Niall, and I guess I'm not all that out there anymore. Any questions?" "Was your dad Liam Payne, as in the Payno? And when you say Harry and Niall do you mean Styles and Horan?" "Yes the famous ones."

I walked up the back slowly and sat in the corner, only trying to avoid all the whispers about me.

So I guess you would want t know more about me? Well I'm a medium hight, I bit chubby and not caring about the haters. I have my mums blonde hair with my daddy's puppy dog brown eyes and his cute button nose and lips.

See I've never known my mum, and I don't know what ever happened to her. Dad will everybody knew him, being in the world famous boy band one direction. I don't have any siblings at all and the closest people to family I have left is the rest of one direction.

Next day-

School was horrible and for some weird reason Niall has agreed to let me stay home today. Like come on. Walking down stairs I was greeted by Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn.

Niall stood up holding a wrapped object, "lux I know your not sixteen yet, but I can't hold it back any more. This here is what your dad wanted me t give you for your birthday. He said it will explain a lot of stuff." Niall hand me the object and I unwrapped it to find non other than a journal, dads journal.

"Oh and lux you better start reading so your prepared for what's to come in the next week." Harry said sadly as he left the room.

Falling in love with a mermaid~ A one direction fan fiction #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now